Crawdaddy79's dash cam collection of vehicular asshattery.

I see worse on a daily basis. I should try and rig up a camera for my commute in and from work.

Kudos on the editing, it looks fantastic.

I've seen worse driving too, however, it's not on film so it didn't happen. ;)

I made a video of me and Pax driving down to a restaurant during his vacation. Too bad I had to lay the camera on it's side the entire time. There was a point when I, Mr. Leadfoot, was cruising about 150 kph (85-90 mph) and pax reminded me it's a $1000 fine and 9 points if I'm caught.
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FWIW Craw is a lot more patient than I am. I think when he speeds up the video it makes him look more aggressive than he is. But I didn't see anything I'd consider aggressive on his part. The people who say he is must be absurdly defensive, to the point of being dangerous.

Yeah, not sure why people are saying HE is driving aggressive. In big cities, aggressive people take advantage of the passive drivers. If you leave a million car lengths in front of you, they will still cut your ass off.

Anyone who thinks they are immune from bad drivers simply because they drive like a little old lady needs a reality check.

I made it a point in the details of the description to lay out that I don't really care how anyone drives, as long as they're paying attention and they don't screw up anyone else. For instance, the aggressive Cadillac would not have made it into the compilation, had the car taking the ramp not out of the blue realized "OMG I don't want to be here lol let me just mosey on back over". I didn't have to tap my brakes or even slow down to avoid the Cadillac.

To be fair, only a couple of people (I think - one called me an asshat but I think that was a troll, so it doesn't count) criticized my driving in the video - I expected more than that to be honest.

Some people just feel like they need to say something, so they do.
To be fair, only a couple of people (I think - one called me an asshat but I think that was a troll, so it doesn't count) criticized my driving in the video - I expected more than that to be honest.

I didn't really see anything amiss in your driving either. What was left on the editting room floor?! Hmm? Hmm?! Something to hide?
fwiw, i drive a lot like you do, and i've never had an accident.

none at fault or otherwise. i'll have to give your driving another thumbs up.
Good job on the video man, and excellent job on the driving. You were obeying the driving laws and not making any mistakes unlike the idiots in the video. Cause if it wasn't you in those peoples way it would have been someone else. They are clearly bad drivers and not watching where they are going, so again kudos to you for being able to avoid the accidents that THEY would have cause due to there shitty driving skills.
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Thank You for that.
I was in the city during the week and the drivers are insane every time I go, they are loonies.
There are a couple surprises from time to time drivers being courteous but few and far between.
This should either be a character study of the reasons why people think their actions are justifiable (and to a lesser extent evidence of the decay of the underlying structure of society)....


Confirm whether or not the bad drivers are women or not and compile a "women drivers" version...

The worst are the shitheads at 3 way intersections. They're waiting for you to go past them, or gauging to see if they have time to turn out in front of you before you come and gather speed. So they start to creep forward, until they're now blocking you and you can't move into the left lane because a car is there, or it doesn't exist. You have to slow down or stop and wait for them. Either go or don't dipshit.
this morning:
4 lanes of traffic going my direction. one left, two straight, one right.
right turn arrow went green, all others still red.
guy in right turn lane goes straight, hits diesel that went on his green left turn.
i stopped to fill out a witness report when the cops came, heard guy that went straight say "I thought the green arrow meant this lane could go, I'm suing the redneck trucker for breaking the law"

I asked the cop if he could revoke his liscense. Cops was giving him a sobriety test when I left. :lol:
Thanks for the videos, inspires me to do the same as i see a ton of dipsh*ts during my daily lengthy drive. What are you recording with and what are you editing it with? I appreciate the little sad faces, we need more trollz tho! :lol:
I'm using a Kodak ZX5 with a wide angle lens. How you mount it is up to you - if you can find a suction cup mount and a dashboard pad that supports it, I suggest that.
holy **** that was bad!!!

Learn to use your horn more. I woulda been on that **** everytime someone impeded my lane to make a dangerous or illegal maneuver.
holy **** that was bad!!!

Learn to use your horn more. I woulda been on that **** everytime someone impeded my lane to make a dangerous or illegal maneuver.

:lol: I'm more of a 'wait and see' kind of guy - if there's no *real* danger, I don't honk.

Not that honking ever does any good, anyway.