Crawdaddy79's dash cam collection of vehicular asshattery.

Hello again, Rage 3 Dimension!

I present to you: Worldwide Dashcam Compilation (First and final episode)

I have created a new episode of traffic stupidity, this time of vehicle drivers from all over the world.

(really just from Germany and a half dozen US cities)

It's 15 minutes long, uses two songs (including one from UT2004), and has about 7 minutes of raw footage for those that hate music.

It took me 10 days to finish, after I sorted the clips that I wanted to use.

Please enjoy. :)
Wish I had a camera on Friday. One way left turn to merge onto highway traffic, jackass in a truck with a young kid goes RIGHT, into oncoming traffic, so he can cut over onto a side street.

Absolutely genius :bleh:
love the videos... if you'd been in Richmond 10 years prior, i would probably make up half of this collection :bleh:
I did some things when I was in Spokane that would've landed me in your videos. Herderr stare at GPS while running multiple red lights. :|
love the videos... if you'd been in Richmond 10 years prior, i would probably make up half of this collection :bleh:

I try to stay away from there as much as possible. Driving through it is about as much as I've done; though I did stay at a hotel there for three nights for work (in 2003ish). I didn't go out.

can you put google ads on your videos yet? that'd get you the second monitor you want.

I won't be going after any revenue. Glory and fame is my only goal. I think it's a form of autism.
i linked the vids on reddit, but i keep deleting my accounts, so i have no credibility/rep built up (people will think i am a spam bot or something).
Episode 7 is done. I'll embed it this time and make it slightly easier.

Song featured: KR-Skaarj Assault from UT2004 :)

I have my own dash cam, and I record stupidity on a regular basis... I just can't be arsed putting it all on youtube because if I did it'd just make me more pissed off about it than I already am. Latest one was two lanes merging into one with witch's hats due to roadwork, I'm in the fast lane (doing the speed limit) three car lengths ahead of a car in the slow lane... and that car decides to accelerate to squeeze in ahead of me, taking out three witch's hats whilst doing so. Only to get stuck in the cue of cars that has backed up due to the closed lane and slam on brakes not to hit the car that was originally ahead of me. Idiot...
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I have my own dash cam, and I record stupidity on a regular basis... I just can't be arsed putting it all on youtube because if I did it'd just make me more pissed off about it than I already am. Latest one was two lanes merging into one with witch's hats due to roadwork, I'm in the fast lane (doing the speed limit) three car lengths ahead of a car in the slow lane... and that car decides to accelerate to squeeze in ahead of me, taking out three witch's hats whilst doing so. Only to get stuck in the cue of cars that has backed up due to the closed lane and slam on brakes not to hit the car that was originally ahead of me. Idiot...

There are a large number of Australians in the dashcam "community". I subscribe to two from Oz alone ( BadDriversOz and RoadMonitorOz, the former having incredibly entertaining language, and the latter is much more light hearted ). There are probably dozens that I'm subscribed to that just don't post any more. If you ever make a channel, let me know.

I'm still waiting on the one that regularly has worse drivers than I've showcased.
One year's worth of captures with the creme scraped off the top and put into one video to the tune of O Fortuna.

It's pretty damn good if I don't say so myself.

One year's worth of captures with the creme scraped off the top and put into one video to the tune of O Fortuna.

It's pretty damn good if I don't say so myself.


You know, if only there were, like, signs and things like that to show people where to go on roads :bleh2:


For what it's worth, at least most of those d-bag's used their indicators.

You'd think indicators were illegal in Texas the way so many people absolutely avoid using them :(
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That they do. When you use your indicator to change lanes, people will actually let you in, too. It's uncanny, and I think it's unique to this area where metro areas are concerned.
That they do. When you use your indicator to change lanes, people will actually let you in, too. It's uncanny, and I think it's unique to this area where metro areas are concerned.

Not in Texas, Florida, California, NYC and several other cities and states they don't.

Apparently it's the universal signal to speed up and prevent people from merging safely.
Come to Toronto. Not to sound racist, but the asians truly ARE the worst of the worst from my daily driving observations.