Crawdaddy79's dash cam collection of vehicular asshattery.


Radeon 8500
Rage3D Subscriber
Edit updates at the top:

May 13th, 2023. Been quite a while since I've bumped this thread.

Episode 16:

January 2nd, 2013 - Worst of the Worst, year 1: DONE

Please enjoy. :)

Note: Episodes 7, 8, and 9 are also done. Check out my channel to see them.


May 9th, 2012 - Episode 6: DONE

Jan 22nd, 2012: Episode 5 is FINALLY DONE

It's pretty long (12 minutes). I really couldn't make it shorter. I tried, I really did.



SEP 20, 2011 Update: Episode 3 is done!

AUG 13, 2011 UPDATE: Episode 2 is done.


~~~Original Post Below~~~
Hello Rage3D. So nice to see you on this lovely night.

You look ravishing, by the way. I mean that in a purely platonic sense, of course.

Since I got the idea of getting a dashboard camera I've had delusions of grandeur where it relates to the type of entertainment I can produce with what I see on a day-to-day basis in/around Northern Virginia.

I present to you, my first dashboard camera music video, comprised of clips of the worst drivers known to man. I did it in a hurry (meaning, I didn't wait for the best possible clips), because I couldn't stop obsessing about it...

I am certain I will do another video similar to this one, but I cannot tell you when, or what song I will pick for it.

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I see worse on a daily basis. I should try and rig up a camera for my commute in and from work.

Kudos on the editing, it looks fantastic.
Kudos on the editing, it looks fantastic.
Thanks. What meager editing you see in it, it took a lot of effort to do. I see an immeasurable amount of room for improvement, but that's a big part of why I did it; to learn.

For the last vid I did (never posted here) I played with pixelizing the plates instead of doing an image overlay to cover them up. I think I like the overlay better (the video encodes a LOT faster, and there wasn't any crashing during the render) but I need to find a way to get it to blend in better with the video, so it doesn't appear so jumpy all the time.
I tried doing something like this but my tape mount failed. Plus when I planned on doing it, my newly charged batteries would not start the camera. I Think a helmet cam would be sweet. Would look totally lame. :lol:

I second the editing job. I had to take a second look to make sure you were claiming it was yours. :up:
good job on the film. in a weird way it makes me feel better about seeing the same thing every single day.
Paint balls. If people drive like asshats, we should be allowed to shoot them with paintballs. Letting everyone else know, they drive like an asshat and should be avoided like the plague on the road.
I second the editing job. I had to take a second look to make sure you were claiming it was yours. :up:


Thanks again all for the kudos on the editing. I put a ton of work into it, thinking it was not going to pay off, but so far, it looks like it has.

I learned a lot during this process (for instance, before I didn't know what the hell Auto Ripple was, where previous videos I've edited, if I had to move one clip, I'd have to move the rest of them one by one, making sure that everything timed correctly (I also recently figured out I could group them by shift clicking). Auto ripple probably saved me two hours this go round.). There's a lot more to learn, a lot of features I haven't even bothered with, and I'm the type that won't learn anything until I get my hands on it and understand it.
Lot of crazy drivers out there, thanks for the vid!

Have to agree with the other guys, the editing is fantastic!! :drool:
The editing was nicely done and you sure have loads of stupid drivers over there.

Fact remains that if I would drive like you do over here, it would have been seen as aggressive behavior. Hell, the distance you keep between other cars would already be enough here for a ticket.
The editing was nicely done and you sure have loads of stupid drivers over there.

Fact remains that if I would drive like you do over here, it would have been seen as aggressive behavior. Hell, the distance you keep between other cars would already be enough here for a ticket.

And where are you?
I think I need to get one of these dash mount's so I can get my phone recording. I almost got wiped out completely by an oblivious lady in a Ford F-250 who decided to cut across 3 lanes of traffic (one of which I was in) without even looking behind her.

Brakes, swerve, reverse a little to keep the car under control, had the VDC kick in, and obviously sat on the horn for a few seconds. The lady didn't even acknowledge she ****ed up, just kept driving her diesel powered truck. Funny thing was, there was NO ONE behind me and her exit was over half a mile away. God forbid someone actually checks behind them and slows down to get over.
Most of those situations could have been avoided with more distance and less speed just saying.
Nice video and editing though.
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The editing was nicely done and you sure have loads of stupid drivers over there.

Fact remains that if I would drive like you do over here, it would have been seen as aggressive behavior. Hell, the distance you keep between other cars would already be enough here for a ticket.

Id have to agree.
I think I need to get one of these dash mount's so I can get my phone recording. I almost got wiped out completely by an oblivious lady in a Ford F-250 who decided to cut across 3 lanes of traffic (one of which I was in) without even looking behind her.

Brakes, swerve, reverse a little to keep the car under control, had the VDC kick in, and obviously sat on the horn for a few seconds. The lady didn't even acknowledge she ****ed up, just kept driving her diesel powered truck. Funny thing was, there was NO ONE behind me and her exit was over half a mile away. God forbid someone actually checks behind them and slows down to get over.
