This place is so dead

Whatever happens, I hope the site can be properly archived. Tons of valuable history here, especially my posts!
My god, must be around 22 years ago when I registered here. And I would have been a similar age too. Fuck I'm old!

edit: swearing is banned!!!
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The new forum update and style killed this site. Let marketing learn a lesson of some sort from this. Change or new is not always better.
The forums have been painfully slow and irresponsive since the redesign. I've never used Discord, but I think I will check it out soon since it's where Rage is at these days.
The new forum update and style killed this site. Let marketing learn a lesson of some sort from this. Change or new is not always better.

It was more of a... we had to do it... sort of situation. The old software was getting increasing unstable and untenable. We are not done looking at options though. Just been a slow process... but it's not going to stay the way it is :)
Really hope things work out for you guys. But I do think for this to go on, you need to find more members. A tricky situation for sure cause most of us are getting old now (one of my friends has a 19 year old kid) and it's going to be a challenge for sure.
Really hope it gets better discord is a pain in the ass go away for a day and you can't follow a thread to fast
I'm with Bill as far as Discord goes... it can get a real jumbled mess with channels with really long convos. At least here, things are more parceled out.

The major issue for the forum is that, once the website and the reviews/articles went away, there wasn't really any way for new folks to find us and get into the community... we've just been largely coasting on what existing membership Rage had and shrinking, not growing.
Well you know before you die, your entire life flashes before your eyes. That is your chance to relive the good times at Rage3D. And as your life is flashing before your eyes, just before it ends, your life will flash before your eyes within it. This will continue to eternity. Nothing is lost. We are all eternal. Rage3D is eternal.
Well you know before you die, your entire life flashes before your eyes. That is your chance to relive the good times at Rage3D. And as your life is flashing before your eyes, just before it ends, your life will flash before your eyes within it. This will continue to eternity. Nothing is lost. We are all eternal. Rage3D is eternal.

We are all Lizard Queens!

Well you know before you die, your entire life flashes before your eyes. That is your chance to relive the good times at Rage3D. And as your life is flashing before your eyes, just before it ends, your life will flash before your eyes within it. This will continue to eternity. Nothing is lost. We are all eternal. Rage3D is eternal.

All shiny and chrome.