OK so Q4. It’ll compete with 30XX. We should expect a pricing war. At least we are all hoping for one.
Nvidia doesn't care they think they are a status symbol at this point
and many have already but the money away to get their fix and Nvidia kmows it
they can always drop prices a bit after the first rush
and COVID-19 will drive manufacturing costs sky high
i don't think navi 2x will be cheap if it is faster than a 2080 ti and or 3080 non ti
Neither will be but one is using a massive 800+ mm2 die while Navi2x is ~505 mm2. Itll be interesting to see what perf per mm2 they get out of either architectures. If full Navi2x is close in perf to the full RTX 3k it will say a lot about where things are going.
I'm still amazed 2080Ti's are still selling for retail!![]()
Used 1080 Tis are also still selling for over $500, in some cases over $600. Granted some of that may be a result of the COVID-19 supply chain disruptions.
Mysterious AMD RDNA 2 GPU Codenamed Sienna Cichlid Spotted in Linux Patches, Speculated To Be The Big Navi GPU For Enthusiast Radeon RX Graphics Cards
AMD RDNA 2 GPUs Coming To PC First, Next Gen Consoles Later – Big Navi ‘Halo’ & Mainstream Radeon RX Graphics Cards With 2nd Gen Navi Later This Year
AMD has confirmed that its RDNA 2 'Big Navi' GPU will be coming to Radeon RX graphics cards for the PC platform before next-generation consoles from Sony & Microsoft.
Report: AMD Big Navi GPU Predicted to Launch in September
Kumar also stated that the Big Navi GPU will be a halo product: "enthusiasts love to buy the best, and we are certainly working on giving them the best," further explaining that later along, the RDNA2 blood in the Big Navi GPU will trickle down into the rest of the Radeon lineup.