Well-known member
No not really. For example, I didn't care about Gsync so I didn't buy it. I have it now because it came with my TV as well as freesync but I don't feel like I got ripped off for buying a TV that has those technologies included. As long as I'm not forced to use one brand only when I buy a monitor I really don't care. I like PhysX and DLSS. I'd rather have them then not have them. If I wasn't interested in using them then I wouldn't use them. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything, at least Nvidia tries to make standout PC features that the PC can utilize. Most of us are happy to pay a little premium for premium features that give our platform more advantages over consoles. They wouldn't have to if game developers took advantage of the PC on their own but Microsoft paid them all to ignore the PC platform so now we get console ports that are years late. Anyway, I'm off to watch some TV. I do agree with you about prices going through the roof without competition. I think AMD will let it go there again during this next 5 year span where Sony and Microsoft will be content with the hardware they have. AMD will have to pay for it's own advancements for the next 5 years and rest assured they will put the minimum into it that they can get away with.

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