The Ascent


I have a sneaking suspicion that this DLC is not very popular ATM. You know, because 12 of my rarest 13 achievements are from it.

EDIT: I should also state that I have finished it. 5.0 hours. Of achievements, I am missing 3. "Find the secret passage" "Die by a sword (Sashimi)" and "Die 100 Times".
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What's the DLC like? The main game was decent fun but I'm not really itching to play more atm.
If you weren't really into it before the DLC, don't bother. Only gameplay change is you can use melee weapons, and once you find and fully upgrade the guillotine sword, it's dismemberment gore porn.

It adds another area with new quests and competent cutscenes but as noted, only about 5 hours worth. Enemy density in the new area is about 4x the base game, so even then most of the time is crunching your way through crowds of enemies... and civilians that inexplicably make beelines into your line of fire.