So at this point we're working through forum upgrade and new hosting logistics. It will likely be this summer sometime when it happens. Need to decide on forum platform - if it will stay vB or change to something else, and make sure we test the migration process ahead of time. We're still evaluating best way to host the site going forward as well. I'd like to keep this R3D site online as long as possible until we need to cut over, limiting the amount of lost posts. However given how old a forum version we're on, any migration is going to take time.
I have read most if not all of this thread, and I understand the concerns about need for content to bring in members. However, good content costs good money and requires a tremendous amount of management to keep it flowing smoothly and be of high quality. Online advertising is also much more difficult to do well with high returns than it once was.
If I shared how much money I've lost subsidizing Rage3D in this last failed transition and the last couple years, many would wonder why it is still online. It is online because I care about it, and so does Lupine, along with many of our mods and long time members. R3D needed a new direction because it wasn't sustainable at its burn rate, and there wasn't enough available capital to invest or time to manage the process to get it to a profitable, self-sustaining content driven state.
So, we will move the site to a supportable forum version with modern spam avoidance, content and blogging capabilities, and built in tools for many things we had to build in custom to this version of R3D all those years ago. Once we get the forum running smoothly in this new state it will cost less, run better, and offer many more features to the community and the site.
We will work to bring back relevant content via blogs and promoted user content, along with the occasional feature length special content - possibly reviews or technology previews or other content the community is interested in. Will it work? Well we're at lest going to find out, and do it in a way that we can keep Rage3D online for its dedicated community while we go through this transition.
I take full responsibility for the many accurate accusations that R3D has aborted several transitions. Some were due to my own failures or life events, some were due to events that were far out of our control.
For those who have contributed meaningful feedback to this process thank you so much for your time and regard for the site. For those skeptical, feel free to remain that way until we have something to show for it. I understand where you are coming from.
I'm moving to a new home in the next several weeks, and my goal is to get Rage3D to its new home this summer as well.
Some of you have already reached out to Lupine or me interested in helping out with the migration or future site. Thank you for your offer and initiative. Anyone who is interested in helping out feel free to contact me directly at
[email protected] or PM me. If you don't have time but want to support the site, we take paypal donations to
[email protected] and offer ad-free subscriptions to the site at the following link:
Thank you for your support.
Best Regards,
Eric "Ichneumon" Amidon