Thinking about picking up the latest Tomb Raider and both of the recent AssCreed games for my PS4 Pro. Been waiting to play them on PC, but eh...
How do these games look on the PS4 Pro compared to the PC?
I am playing it now on my Pro. I have a 1080 screen so I always pick favor frame rate in my graphic settings. It runs smooth and looks great. It took me a little bit to get into the game. But am loving it right now. I guess if you can play 4K resolution and greater then 60fps then it would look and perform better on PC. But I can’t justify the expense it takes to build such a PC any more. The PS4 Pro version of the game looks great and performs perfectly fine on my TV. I think that 3rd person games it is better to use a controller. I prefer it even on a PC. Kicking back in my comfy chair playing the game on my big screen with my theatre sound system is a much better experience for me. Getting 60fps on the latest games with perfectly good image quality has sold me on this latest generation of consoles.