Its Kojima. Of course its going to be good, and weird.
Started playing Days Gone - Some of the amazing details in this game rivals rdr2 imo
I had been looking forward to that game for a long time, but the reviews put me off. I'll have to look into it a bit more.
Sony Buys Spider-Man Developer Insomniac Games
Congrats on the more corporate environment that is soon to come.
You should see my new salary mashAllah!
You should see my new salary mashAllah!
Congrats on the more corporate environment that is soon to come.
How come the PS3 still gets system software updates? The last update was released on March 31, 2020.
Seems like no one here played Days Gone. I started it and it is actually quite well done. The fact that you can get swarmed by zombies is pretty intense. Had that happened to me and game hasn’t told me how to deal with it yet. Exploration is fun but also quite annoying as you do not know wtf will happen to you. I got caught and put in a box as captive, chased a rider on a bike, got swarmed by zombies because the speakers came on. I was truly having wtf moments in this game.
It does create a real sense of dread at least initially until you figure out all the ways your ass can be handed to you. Net net, it is a good experience and I recommend it.