Forgot about the topic a bit eh? I haven't posted about games here yet, but lately I am playing PoE quite a lot. And for those who want simple games I'd suggest Diablo 3. For others who like also character customization not just loot grind this it the game (though loot grind also is important ofc) To make it short:
* customizable characters via swappable skills, lots of skill combinations with support gems and massive passive skill grid
* no "gold", game has orbs for currency, those can be obtained from drops or by selling gear using "reciepes" meaning that if you put correct stuff into sell windows you will get appropriate orbs or shards. Also orbs can be used to improve gear so that is a natural currency sink and you will definetely want to use em sooner or later (or trade em for the gear you want)
* solid web support that seems to improve, right now you can see your gear, stash and skilltree from web page. Also you can link your passive build for others to see
* with next patch (monday) comming the "maps" endgame mechanic that will enable you to jump into a randomized dungeon. This is lvl60+ content though but should keep it interesting farming lategame. You can also customize said maps via orbs as other items so you can directly affect the random dungeon you get
* Passive skill grid has come really far, new rework that will make it easier to read and understand also comming monday
* indie devs with a vision
* free to play with ethical shop (selling slots, but you get 24 character slots and 4 stash pages by default which is plenty much; selling skins and animations and similar sometime in future)
* open beta in a few months (official date is middle of august but I highly doubt that since we need 2 more major patches from their timeline - those include act3, voice acting, tutorials, minion)
A lot of info is available on the webpage. Also yep, it is a bit rough around the edges right now but I think they will polish it with time.
You can get the beta keys free too, its a roulette though. Just sign up and post a bit on the forums then hope for the best. Or 10$ aint so much if you are impatient.
Also one interesting thing I hope to see soon are the Leagues (ladders from diablo), there will be more of em and you will be able to pay for your own with custom rules. So those guys got some really interesting ideas, but yea game is a bit hardcore
even more now in beta since there is no tutorial and you have to get into the basics yourself. There is plenty of tooltips already but atm you have to dig into forums for more.