There is a thread about it (well the beta I guess):
Played the beta quite a lot until I hit the endgame, my Dualist and the spec I was using was a breeze up until I hit maelstrom of Chaos, where it did not work at all.
And the XP penalty at that level when you die made it entirely unviable to try to level in Maelstrom with that character.
So I kinda trailed off on other games.
Great game though, had a lot more fun with it then the D3 beta, largely since there is a ton of content in Path and very little in the D3 beta.
Some great ideas and concepts, slotted skill gems, passive talent tree and the customization to everything with all the orbs.
One thing I did mind is the rigidity of the Passive tree, when the active skills are so readily swapped out.
Respeccing the passives is a ton of grind (cept for the few respec points you get in quests).
Which in turn makes it hard to try for example dual wielding after speccing hard towards 2h weapons, outside of starting another Dualist char from scratch which they´ve stated is their philosophy regarding that stuff.