My truck is changing


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Be kind guys. This is some real redneck fix it quick and cheap work. It started because I refuse to pay an inflated price for newer, and $35-$4k for a bondo / fiberglass job from a local body shop is not acceptable. So, here's my effort to get through 1 or 2 more inspections literally as cheaply as possible.

It's also a nice little side hobby for me at the moment.

So here's what I'm contending with - I went to work knocking out loose rust and metal with a mallet, then tried to clean up a bit with a cutting tool.

These are just for starters btw, not going to bother posting it all :o





Part of the fix: yes my workshop is a mess lol


Not in the photos, but I had to leave enough metal (it's that bad) for the rivets, epoxy and adhesive to grip.



I did have to take some metal off the quarter panel for a proper (and easy) fit.



The other side is almost identical. Next I'll be filling and smoothing best as able, then the tailgate and rocker panels. This thread might be getting updated for a long time :lol:
Not bad. Not bad at all. Have you considered having the outside coated in something like Rhino Liner? I've seen many older vehicles sprayed with that or something similar. Covers a lot of minor blemishes and comes in many colors. I'd dang sure drive it. :cool:
Not bad has a rat rod even a bit of mad max kinda look. Id leave it that way...
Not bad. Not bad at all. Have you considered having the outside coated in something like Rhino Liner? I've seen many older vehicles sprayed with that or something similar. Covers a lot of minor blemishes and comes in many colors. I'd dang sure drive it. :cool:

Yes sir, that's the plan for the lower 12" or so. The rest...there's actually another Ram around here with the same fixes for the wheel wells and he just left it black primer and for an old beast it doesn't look bad.
Not bad has a rat rod even a bit of mad max kinda look. Id leave it that way...

:lol: Around here it might come in handy lol.
would it have been cheaper if you were able to find that model truck in a junkyard and just take the panels off to replace your rusted out ones?

Just a thought....

Not a bad job though, i could never do that :D
Nice job lazy, very cool.

Thanks :)

Sasquatch - Side panels and replacement beds were the first thing I researched. A used panel would run me ~$400-$500US, new over $700, and there would be a good deal of welding involved. My entire repair job here shouldn’t run more than $600 all in :D
Thanks :)

Sasquatch - Side panels and replacement beds were the first thing I researched. A used panel would run me ~$400-$500US, new over $700, and there would be a good deal of welding involved. My entire repair job here shouldn’t run more than $600 all in :D

Wish I had your skills. :cool:
It's an 03. A couple of the body shop guys said it was Ram's worst body style for rust.
just need a diesel stack, ratty old hound dog and a confederate flag and you will be a true red neck lazy!

nice job tho
No flags for me Higgy :p

I finished the metalwork on the pass. side of the bed this morning, looks identical to the driver side. Then I decided to tackle the tailgate. I've been dreading this because the lower lip is partially rotted away, along with other chunks of metal.

I could get another tailgate, but I want to give it a shot for now.



I used 24 gauge metal, strong enough for the job, but easy to work with hand tools. And I don't have a brake, so 2x3

First fit/bend, then trimming/shaping the sides, then...a lip.





Not shown is the inside primer/adhesives I used to get this to fit tight and solid. It'll be getting a coat of rhino liner or something before long, but for now it looks better than it did.


This leaves sealing/filling/primer etc on the bed, and the driver side rocker panel. Then the leaf springs.