Kingdom Come : Deliverance, a non fantasy medieval RPG teased.

It's a game with a lot to like and a lot to challenge your expectations.

I liked the fact that in one of the early missions when I wondered off to explore all the importanat NPCs just did their thing without me. Likewise the recon mission where I hit the mission update point and assumed everything would just happen automatically only to get my wrist slapped when it became obvious I hadn't really done the work.

I also had an interesting time with the combat where I got my hands on some really top notch gear early in the game only to discover that, having neither the strength or the stamina, it was more of a handicap than a shortcut.

I hope that the sequel is somewhere in the works. One of the best RPGs I've played and I would love to see it developed further.
Yeah, I've had a couple quests fail because I waited too long to do the next task. Its one of those things about quests in other RPG games I always thought was weird that you could neglect something for a long time until you were ready. In KCD things are going to progress whether you're there or not. That to me is more logical, and makes for a world that feels more alive and bustling, and just adds to the already great immersion.

I hope they make another one too. Checking sales numbers I'm seeing it sold around 3 million copies total after a couple years. Not sure if that's considered good for this game but I would think that probably warrants a sequel. I can see another KCD with the same great core RPG mechanics but just a bit more polished around the edges. Something to look forward to.