Kingdom Come : Deliverance, a non fantasy medieval RPG teased.

Trying so hard to like this game but the combat is ****ing atrocious. The developers should be slapped for how janky it is. The targeting system is complete ****ing aids and I can’t disable it. Trying to fight anything more than a 1v1 is worthless. Even 1v1 the combat feels garbage.

Ugh. This game has so much potential but I’m |—| this close to uninstalling it.
You need to practice with wooden swords with that fella who I forgot his name is, but is in the starting city south of the map.

I thought the combat was **** too until I started to get better at it. Now I can't imagine playing it any other way, the mechanics are sound once you get a hold of it. Also helps to use a controller rather than mouse/keyboard.
I’m past the training phases. It has to do with the way the targeting system works that makes it feel as bad as it does. Also, the fact that you’re taught that attacking the opposite side of the enemies guard works, but the AI will instantly ship from left to right or top to bottom without hesitation. Feinting rarely works. It seems completely random.

Controller over m/kB?? For a blocking and attacking style game .. Jesus Christ .. why can’t devs just copy Mount and Blade .. it’s still the absolute golden standard for directional melee combat .. somehow devs manage to **** this up every time. Mordhau, chivalry, this game .. all awful compared to M&B
You need to practice with wooden swords with that fella who I forgot his name is, but is in the starting city south of the map.

I thought the combat was **** too until I started to get better at it. Now I can't imagine playing it any other way, the mechanics are sound once you get a hold of it. Also helps to use a controller rather than mouse/keyboard.

thats blasphemy

mouse and keyboard seems to work pretty well. I killed runt with a feint then a headshot, fight was over in 1 blow.

Stabbing seems to be more effective for me, can abuse the clinch mechanic also once you get the right perk
I feel the combat is better with controller too.. *ducks*

But I'm a total n00b with sword/melee combat games.
thats blasphemy

mouse and keyboard seems to work pretty well. I killed runt with a feint then a headshot, fight was over in 1 blow.

Stabbing seems to be more effective for me, can abuse the clinch mechanic also once you get the right perk

I don't know, I think the controller feels "smoother" because the sword is perfectly mapped to the analogue stick, full 360 range of motion. Combat feels very fluid.

But yeah, that clinch mechanic will allow you to cheese through fights, I forgot about that that. :lol:

On the other hand, picking locks with the controller was an absolute nightmare, because you had to use the analogue button to manually move the lock around in 360 range, while with key/mouse you just pressed "E" and it moved it for you. :nag:
Wow this game sucks ass. I can’t hit anything and getting routinely boned in combat. Dafuq?
Not fond of the combat too much either, especially having played Mordhau which feels much more flee flowing. Still worth sticking with though.
This looked like an interesting game to start but after reading the last few pages of the this thread I'm put off due to all the bitching about the combat.

IS this worth sinking hours into?
This looked like an interesting game to start but after reading the last few pages of the this thread I'm put off due to all the bitching about the combat.

IS this worth sinking hours into?

The combat is great. kind of. its great in the same way dark souls combat is great. It's all on you. BUUUUUUT, you also need to learn the skill and strengthen it like in skyrim. If you dont train for a bit in the training arena outside the first town after the tutorial village. You WILL have trouble with it, and it WILL feel bad. Because it is supposed to, you are a peasant, not a knight.
It's beyond gud. It's buttsechs gud. As the giver not the receiver. :bleh:

An amazing game, well worth every penny, I've bought the game and all dlcs on steam and bought the all the dlcs (game was free) on epic.

If you like RPGs and an awesome story you can't go wrong.
Recently grabbed KCD Royal Edition after OverclockN recommended it and was instantly hooked. 35 hours into it already. Loved the steep learning curve right away. Its like a better, more mature and complex version of the Elder Scrolls games.

I found it to have quite a few barriers to entry early on that casual players may give up at, but if you stick with it and learn the game it really leads to a very immersive and rewarding RPG experience. The obvious ones are the melee combat, and the save system.

The combat, is supposed to be nearly impossible in the beginning for character/story reasons. You're supposed to be a useless peon. But as you progress through the story quests you automatically pick up some much needed skills that make the combat actually functional. Sadly I think a lot of people give up before getting to that point which is at least 5 hours in.

The save system initially can be discouraging as well. You basically cannot just save anywhere, which in turn means you cannot save scum. Most people I've talked to resort to using a save anywhere mod. But again, as you progress in the game you gain the ability to cheaply craft the consumable potion that allows you to save anywhere. I pretty much have at least 20 of them on hand at all times.

But in short, its a very refreshing take on the first person RPG genre. Games that take experimenting with and exploring the mechanics in favor of hand holding and showing you exactly what to do all the time are exactly the kinds I enjoy most. Really loving it.