Dragons Dogma PC Discussion

I really wanted to like this game but I cannot get past the crappy inventory UI and management. I'll eventually pick it up again and slog through it, and maybe I'll end up appreciating it but as of right now its flaws are keeping me from liking the game.

If I played it originally on console years ago I probably would have a better appreciation for it.

I get that the menus are not very intuitive (delete key to save??) but the gameplay makes it worthwhile to me. At least so far. The fighting and exploring really hits a sweet spot for me.
I get that the menus are not very intuitive (delete key to save??) but the gameplay makes it worthwhile to me. At least so far. The fighting and exploring really hits a sweet spot for me.

The gameplay is pretty fun. I initially started with the warrior class and thought it was just mediocre, but then restarted as a strider and it got a lot better. Having the shortbow as a secondary weapon adds a much needed dynamic to the gameplay.

Another thing that soured me on the game was when I first got it I was having an issue with my PSU and the game kept crashing on me. When I replaced the PSU the problem was resolved but by then I was kind of bored of it and moved on.
Nexus mods has some good mods to reduce inventory slowdowns and eliminate exhaustion from running. The graphics mods are pretty good too.
The gameplay is pretty fun. I initially started with the warrior class and thought it was just mediocre, but then restarted as a strider and it got a lot better. Having the shortbow as a secondary weapon adds a much needed dynamic to the gameplay.

Another thing that soured me on the game was when I first got it I was having an issue with my PSU and the game kept crashing on me. When I replaced the PSU the problem was resolved but by then I was kind of bored of it and moved on.

All the classes actually have really goode combat, it just takes a while to get the skills you need.
Unless they tried to fool people at the capcom event, it is just a 10-years of dragon dogma youtube documentary/series.
I might try to play this game again at some point. Tried to like but just couldn't get into it.

I remember I was having technical issues with my PC at the time which might have contributed to my frustration.
I doubt it will just be that. They wouldnt use the hype up comments for a reveal about a documentary series.

Im not getting excited or expecting anything, but i doubt its just that.