Q) Does the game include fast travel?
A) Yes! The fast travel system has been revamped and became a lot more accessible with the release of Dark Arisen expansion content. Several Port Crystals (these are your jump portals) can be found throughout the adventure and placed anywhere on the world map as you see fit. In addition, price of the Ferrystone are has been reduced significantly from 20,000 to 2,000 gold pieces. Even better, we are now including the unlimited-use Eternal Ferrystone which can be unlocked after completing the quest “Off with its Head.” The item can be found in the Storage which can be accessed from the Gran Soren Union Inn.
Q) While pawns have endearing personality and are great to have them around in my adventures, they’re a bit talkative. Any way to shut them up?
A) PC version adds a new option that completely silences the Pawns. They will only speak when talked to. To enable this feature, simply go to Options -> Gameplay and set “Pawn Chatter” to OFF.