All Folders! Please Check In!!!

Skinner checking in.... ;-p
Folding Systems-
1 Athlon64 X2 3800+ @ 2.25Ghz running the GPU Client.
GPU-X1650GT (slower version of the X1650XT)
1 Athlon64 3000+ @ 2.35Ghz - Standard Windows Client
Athlon64 3800+ @ 2.4Ghz - Standard Windows Client
Still deciding on whether to put my 2 Quad Opties to work on the same thing since they are such power hogs.
Welcome Flyordie! :up:
Welcome Flyordie! :up:

Thanks, The GPU Client machine is about to get a huge boost. Gonna run the regular CPU based Client also, then ramp my clockspeeds back up to 3.10Ghz.
My Quadies are running 8 instances of the CPU client.
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Skinner checking in.... ;-p
Folding Systems-
1 Athlon64 X2 3800+ @ 2.25Ghz running the GPU Client.
GPU-X1650GT (slower version of the X1650XT)
1 Athlon64 3000+ @ 2.35Ghz - Standard Windows Client
Athlon64 3800+ @ 2.4Ghz - Standard Windows Client
Still deciding on whether to put my 2 Quad Opties to work on the same thing since they are such power hogs.

Welcome to the Team!!!
fold4life checking in.

Haven't posted since Lupine's Half-Life 2 giveaway. Still, check in almost daily for the news.

What happened to the Rage3d folding stats - stupid question?

Anyway, I'm lucky enough to be running clients on some c2d machines at work. I'm adding a new e6550 machine this week. I will continue to add machines as our old machines are replaced. I've only been folding seriously for 6 months or so. I've begun experimentation with different clients and linux. Hopefully in coming months I can increase production with my current hardware. Happy folding.
Thanks for checking in F4L! :)

The Folding server is being overhauled right now. Getting close, I know Andrew has been working to rebuild the database. Hopefully it'll be back online soon! :drool:
Just started up again figured my computer was sitting around doing nothing, might as well get into it again.
Status Update-
Servers Down :cry: (2x Quad Core Opterons @ 2.6Ghz)
A64 X2 3800+ (1mb L2 per core) still operational @ 2.45Ghz
A64 3800+ still operational @ 2.4Ghz
A64 3000+ still operational @ 2.25Ghz
What's wrong with your servers Flyordie?

And check your folding sig, it's not displaying your stats.
Just a small update:

Moved the Mac Mini (C2D 1.83GHz) to the office and it now folds 24/7. So at the office, I have:
- Mac Mini running SMP
- Pentium D 805 running 2x FAH CPU (SMP kept crapping out for some reason)
- Athlon XP 2600+ running 1x FAH CPU

I now work at home two days per week due to some health issues as well as office politics. When I'm here working or doing homework, or in other words, when the respective PC is on, I have:
- Athlon 64 3000+ running 1x FAH CPU
- Athlon 64 3500+ laptop running 1x FAH CPU (also runs when I'm at work since I bring the laptop with me)
- Phenom 9600 running 4x FAH CPU

I'd run SMP on the Phenom but the system doesn't stay on long enough folding to meet the deadlines, so at least I can contribute 4x normal units. Same goes for trading a FAH CPU for a GPU on the x1900.
Just a quick update here....I'm getting hammered at work, I've had a full crew there 2 days out of the last 20, and when people are out I have to pick up the slack which kills my free time.....hopefully things will even back out soon!!! Not been here but still got my PC's folding away!!
Just a quick update here....I'm getting hammered at work, I've had a full crew there 2 days out of the last 20, and when people are out I have to pick up the slack which kills my free time.....hopefully things will even back out soon!!! Not been here but still got my PC's folding away!!

looks like you just passed the 1 million mark too, gratz!
checking in

checking in

I've been coming to Rage3D for years ever since I started using ATI cards
manageds to get some spare capacity and decided to run folding and naturally
thought I'd use Rage3D as my team