All Folders! Please Check In!!!


Well-known member
Staff member
If you Fold for Team Rage3D, please check in here in this thread by posting a response. If you know anyone else who Folds, but does not post here in the DC Forum, please contact them via PM or some other method and ask them to come check in as well. Subteam leaders, please contact everyone within your team. When you post, please give us a quick summary of who you are, and why you've chosen Team Rage3D Folding. What is your vision of Rage3D one year from now? What would you like to see? How will YOU help us reach that goal?

At this time, we have some important Team ventures being implemented up that ALL team members need to be aware of and, hopefully, participate in. We don't want any Team members left out because they're out of the loop! Examples? Well, the FOTY contest is an example of things to come. We'll be reimplementing regular Team contests that require a minimum level of participation in order to qualify. The prizes will vary, but let me just say that you will NOT want to miss out.

Every Team member's input is invaluable as we move forward here. I understand how valuable your time is, and appreciate your contribution to the team, both in Folding power and in board participation. YOU are Team Rage3D. :up:

EDIT: We'd also like to know if you're interested in the leadership aspects of Team Rage3D. As the Team grows and new projects are implemented, we're going to need help to keep things organized. Examples would include Subteam leadership as it continues to evolve, merchandising (t-shirts, mugs, case badges, etc), welcoming committees, research & development, news posters, etc etc etc. :up:
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VW_Factor reporting in.

I fold here, because I basically live here. My name is Dave Bandy and I live in Salem Oregon. Drive an aircooled VW, and work too much. I'd like to see Rage3D get more single folders recruited. (Like MaxPC mag did :mad: ) I really think that is what will keep us moving foward. Not a few Power Folders, but more little guys. YOU can make a difference!!

I would just like to continue bringing some folding power to Rage3D, and helping us stay on top of things. (The company I work for has a folding team, and they are a joke).

I always have spare parts lying around that Im pretty willing to give away to help with out folding cause.
BoliedCabbage here! :)

I started folding for Rage3d after DrFish(?) issued the DoodyHead challenge because I thought it would be fun to go around calling them DoodyHeads after Rage3D passes TeamEggRoll. ;)

Like VW Factor I too would like to continue to bring more folding power but for now this is all I have. I don't have access to company computers because I'm currently still studying and I work part time at warehouse, I have a whole bunch of forklifts to drive around but no computers around. :(

I don't post much here but I do lurk.
SIR yes SIR!

Reporting in SIR!!!


My name is Chris. I live just outside of Salem, Or
I am a computer Tech for a crapy company.:bleh:
I got hooked into this forum and folding by none other than VW_Factor! :D
I only currently have a couple computers running folding. I am going through all my parts to see how many others I can set up. Glad to be a part of the folding comunity and this forum!
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I'm P1x44r and i'm folding only because I'm secretly in love with Lupine. Anything for him! :heart:
Checking in. I am Gator. I live in NY. I hate my job but I like red wine. I am a Super Moderator at Rage3d. I fold to help cure diseases. I fold for team Rage3d because I spend many hours per day here. I would like to see less annoying love advice posts, less P&R posts, and less advertising spam. I help Rage3d by performing my Super Moderator duties, assisting others with technical advice, and running Folding on my home and work computers. I have have no interest in leadership responsibilities with the Rage3d Folding team at this time. I may be interested in purchasing Rage3d merchandise, but I have no interest in handling merchandise sales. I like Mac and Cheese.
Gator said:
I would like to see less annoying love advice posts, less P&R posts, and less advertising spam.

Fortunately none are an issue here in the DC forum (knock on wood). :D
Hi, my name is Luxor and I'm addicted to folding. ;)

I'm an electrical engineering student but I also have a degree in biochemistry and that's probably what got interested in the project when I joined 2 years ago (with the fact that I was getting an avatar :D ). I've joined team 64 because Rage3d is the only forum where I participate. My production is limited simply because I don't have more resources at the moment.

As for the future of our team, it depends to what our goal is. Do we want to challenge the top 3 teams? In that case, we have to triple our number of active folders. We can't always count on How? to drag us. I know it won't be easy, I still haven't been able to convice anyone to fold and it's not because I didn't try. They simply don't care or don't believe this project could make a difference. But I still haven't given up. And nice prices would surely be a good argument (any reason to fold is good, right?)
My name is not XSBagage. I'm a student, studying civil engineer in computer sciences. I fold for R3D because at some point someone told me about folding and R3D needed my help (Alliance Francophone overtaking us, iirc). R3D is my second home so of course I went ahead and gave it a try, the goal was nice and all but it was the competition that made me continue. (There are moments that I think of landing myself a job at a big firm and having howlike power :bleh: ) Where I see R3D in a years? I don't know :bleh: I think we've got a shot of not becoming doodyheads but once HOW stops (pray the day never comes!) we'll have to poump up teh shet big time to stay in front of TTR. We definately should be able to take 2CPU and the eggheads. Ultimately I'd like to see R3D regain 4th place (where we were when I joined) How will I help well I am planning on upgrading somewhere this summer, also summertime -> my production is up (which my competitors must have noticed :evil: ) Also in a week or so I'll be going on a short trip with my sis and her friends, now one of them is studying the same as me so I think I might interest him in the project.
I would be interested in helping out with setting up the CPU charts. I don't have much time in the coming weeks (well between 1 and 3 July I'm free) but after 7 July I can make time as I've got nothing to do besides studying, so I'm in control of what I do or don't and when I do them.
Hay guys, whats going on in the

Yeah...started folding after one of the Techreport commandos burnt my village down and kidnapped my mother as I watched in horror. I seek to quench my revenge my hunting down each and every commando/ninja and force feeding them boiled gerbils :mad:

Umm my vision for the team is to break the 300K PPD barrier, hopefully by preaching to uninterested fans on other websites. Also being a cheap assed student in Canada where $1= $0.02 US, my aim is to try and ambush more of my university comrades into folding. Ii will gallantly join the rage3d clans and play with fellow folders till then....even faking bad performance and making them think they actually kicked my asses in CSS.

EDIT: Max PC just beat us in PPD, look at their friggin new members!
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My name is not Fat Jez, it's Stephen, or Steve depending on whether I am back home in Scotland or here in Bristol. I'm a Senior Support Engineer for Orange, where I spend half my time doing basic Unix sysadmin and half of it being a telecoms engineer.

I joined Rage 3D because I went with a Radeon graphics card over nVidia when I built my first rig and needed help and advice. I started out doing Seti@Home until I realised that it would be better to spend my time working toward a distributed computing project that would benefit people. Since Rage was the only forum I was a member of that had a Folding team, I signed up here. I have two systems folding for Rage - my main rig in my sig below and my 1.6GHz laptop at work. My other rig folds for Kustom PC's, a small PC shop in Scotland who run some friendly forums.

ShaidarHaran, checking in.

I fold for TR3D because Lupine said he'd give me manches if I did :drool: I'm still waiting on that manches, btw. ;) Seriously though, I do it because R3D is the only PC forum I actively participate in and I'd rather fold for a proven winner than some upstart low-production team :p Like many of you, I'm sure, I started distributed computing w/SETI @ Home a few years ago but I just got tired of it. Also I used to run S@H for a website, from which I was banned (no names shall be mentioned) so that kind of killed my enthusiasm... I thought F@H would be a bit more useful than looking for aliens :rolleyes:

I intend to help TR3D by continuing to assimilate systems. My farm currently sits at 19 boxen and I get anywhere from 2-5 new systems each month on which I fold (only been assimilating for a couple months now). The more computers I sell at work, the more boxen folding for me and TR3D.
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Uber_Tiny said:
SIR yes SIR!

Reporting in SIR!!!


My name is Chris. I live just outside of Salem, Or
I am a computer Tech for a crapy company.:bleh:
I got hooked into this forum and folding by none other than VW_Factor! :D
I only currently have a couple computers running folding. I am going through all my parts to see how many others I can set up. Glad to be a part of the folding comunity and this forum!

Looks like we have several members from the Salem area. I'm thinking about selling my place pretty soon; will be checking out the LaPine/Bend area in Aug..... :)
_-F10-_ <master_paradigm> reporting for duty sir ;) Folding as Malfador.

Names Kelly Zietz and I live in Salem currently. Originally hail from about 30 miles west of portland outside a little town called Banks. Currently I'm workin for a crappy company as well :bleh: ...but going to Willamette U as a vocal performance major.

Don't have more than a system or 2 for folding and power bill is a concern for me but I fold when I can. As for rage and why I fold for tr3d, I like the people, I like the forums and the atmosphere of the site. Very helpful. :) As far as improvements or what not, I like the idea of a tr3d clan. Not just for cs:s but perhaps for COD as well?> Vw, ubertiny, alt and I have parts for another server and I think I have the bandwidth so I might consider that. or perhaps a skype/team speak server? ideas?

anywho, yeah :) just my 2cp

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jima13 said:
Looks like we have several members from the Salem area. I'm thinking about selling my place pretty soon; will be checking out the LaPine/Bend area in Aug..... :)
mmm ... Bend ... mmm :drool:

We've been going down to Sunriver a couple times a year ever since I was a little kid. Awesome mountain biking, decent waterskiing, and Smith Rocks is nearby so the rockclimbing is top-notch too. I :heart: the Northwest!!!
I just started folding and haven't even turned in my first WU yet...I started folding because, well i got sick of VW always :nag::nag::nag: me about folding. At that time i needed my system for less worthy things, but thats over and now folding.

I also live in Salem and currently trying to convince VW_Factor, Uber_Tiny and Master_Paradigm to start a computer consulting business with me....

yeah, i know i am :nuts:

Looking forward to becoming an addict as so many others have become....:up:

GO Team64!!
snookums reporting in as ordered.

I'm a webdeveloper by trade, but have a passion for hardware. I chose Team Rage3D because i post here most often... and now because I don't want to be a doody head!

What is your vision of Rage3D one year from now? What would you like to see? How will YOU help us reach that goal?

in a year, i'd like to be rung #6 :D
i'd also hope to see a ad-free version of the site (with a paid donation i'd be happy to offer up). how can i help? im a webdeveloper by trade, and have offered help a few times in the past, but seems to fall on deaf ears... im still willing, but dont see how i can. that and i do most of my stuff in ASP/ASP.NET, but i do know MySQL like the back of my hand ;)
N00blet folder Zenitram checkin in! Software Engineering Technology Major of Oregon Institute of Technology, a school that has over 400+ computers that are never used (possible folding targets next year). Just finished my third year and am open to helping anybody with software design and programming Qs. I worked with Alt-F4 and Paradigm last summer and winter before that and summer before that. VW I dont know as well but already can tell that he will be alright in my book. My recent venture, if you have seen some of my posts you can already tell, is Unix systems. I got to know Unix this past year and I like it. I miss the old console days that Windows threw out.

I will have specs on all my folding machines soon. Right now im networking and cleaning and doing construction on the house.