Was very well acted (by some), great art direction, great special effects, well edited from a pacing and flow standpoint, set direction and scenery was excellent, script was okay (decent dialogue, but deficient in story and character)...pretty poor ending, and the love story bit was really unconvincingly portrayed for something that was supposedly to play a pivotal role in both the main character's psyche and the overall outcome of the movie. I suspect too much of this one landed on the cutting room floor for running time. Main problems are that Del Toro, although convincing in the role as it pertained to the story, is not connected in personality to his alter ego at all...he is allowed by the writers and the director to simply wash through the story like a stick in a stream, overshadowed by the scenery and everything else going on. The atmosphere of the film is thick with dread and foreboding, but Del Toro's character is so meh that it often ruins the suspense. The camera creates a great mood, successfully calling back the mood of the source material, but Del Toro's character spends most of the movie simply a victim of circumstances he exerts little control over...and even less reaction to. Anthony Hopkins' character...he does it incredibly well, so well that you're actually more interested in him than in the main character. I'm convinced that if the writers and director got Del Toro's character right, there could have been just as interesting interaction between the two as in Hopkins/Oldman's performances in Dracula. For Hopkins, it was like he was acting in a different and much better movie.