What's the last movie you saw?

this as well (at the movies anyway)
i was high going into the movie but it wore off after the ads/intro and then i was bored. also the 3d glasses gave me a headache.
last movie i watched (not at the movies) was demon city shinjuku, and before that, fear and loathing in las vegas
Trick 'r Treat.

Wasn't that bad. Reminds me of the horror movies I grew up with in the 90's. A couple of cheap scares.. a laugh here and there.
Vampires assistant was teh awesomes! Don't be put off by it being a kids movie - its plenty dark enough to watch :yes: hopefully a sequel in there too.

I hated Hostel, but I loved this one. Just completed watching it and boy I curse myself for not saving it for night time ambience. :mad:

I hated Hostel too (never watched the sequel :nope:) but this film was just nasty to that poor family. The part with the cat made me laugh though i know it wasn't meant to be. My cat owning friend would likely bitchslap me for it if he knew :bleh:
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