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    • g-a-m-e
      g-a-m-e replied to the thread cyberpunk 2077 -> Orion.
      It will be ruined because of identity politics. Mark my words and watch the reviews. Just like star wars is now about a women only...
    • g-a-m-e
      g-a-m-e replied to the thread cyberpunk 2077 -> Orion.
      Oh PLEASE ... When did "Will and Grace" air? 1998 or something? Nobody bitched about it, it was a very popular show. And what that...
    • g-a-m-e
      g-a-m-e replied to the thread cyberpunk 2077 -> Orion.
      Around 10% of the population is gay/bi. That's not a lot. Of those 10%, a FRACTION is *insert outrageous made up pronoun* Yet, if games...
    • g-a-m-e
      g-a-m-e reacted to clerick's post in the thread cyberpunk 2077 -> Orion with Like Like.
      These people are literally parasites who are taking over all these old IPs and shoving this shit down our throats and expecting us to...
    • g-a-m-e
      g-a-m-e replied to the thread cyberpunk 2077 -> Orion.
      look at the replies
    • g-a-m-e
      g-a-m-e replied to the thread cyberpunk 2077 -> Orion.
      uhuh uhuh https://www.dualshockers.com/mary-kenney-insomniac-lack-of-lgbtq-content-gaming/ " “We Need To Pull Every Lever We Have” -...
    • g-a-m-e
      g-a-m-e replied to the thread cyberpunk 2077 -> Orion.
      It's much worse than that sadly. Mary Kenney. Yes they hired her i have no clue why it seems like insanity. I believe she is from...
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