D&W: Better than DP 2 but not as good as DP1. Still a must see for MCU and DP fans. Hard R. Hilarious. 4rth wall whats that. Great cameos. Cool soundtrack ect ...
Alien Rom: 6-10. Pretty much standard fare for an Alien flick. Nice to see practical effects in there and good cast but story is bare and lore is again not respected... Felt like mostly a rehash of the first Alien movie.
Beetlejuicy. B2 wasnt bad at all... cute, bit different from the first one but like Furiosa the energy is dialed back a notch... course Keaton isnt a young pup anymore... some cool 80's tunes and even a rock opera...
Saw Beetlejuice 2 and it was alright. Certainly the best thing Tim Burton has done for a while—I didn't expect much going in given Burton's output over the past decade or so.
Bullet-point thoughts:
It's interesting how they handled the Jeffrey Jones situation. I think they had a little fun with including his character in such an off-hand/roundabout way.
Monica Bellucci's character was more of a weird secondary plot device than a character...they could have pretty much told the same story without her and with a few minor changes. There was another character that initially seemed like they were going to be more significant to the story but ended up being disposed of once their purpose as a plot device was fulfilled. I'd say it has an issue with uneven characters and storytelling in general.
Some aspects of the story just repeat things from the first movie and they make a few obvious nostalgia plays.
Good practical effects, costuming/makeup, sets and CGI.
Toward the end of the movie it tries to recapture the fun of the song and dance number from the first movie but just doesn't do it as well.
It's funny that modern PG-13 standards wouldn't allow them to repeat the first movies single F-bomb. They tried to do it, but they bleeped it out—not sure if they thought that was turning it into a joke or trying to make a statement about it, but it's just weird to hear something get bleeped in a theater like I'm watching a TV edit. I wonder if it will still be censored in the streaming or disc release.
Unrelated to the movie itself, the theater forgot to turn off the bright overhead lights they use when they clean, so the the room was fully lit for the trailers and part of the opening credits. Herp derp.