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So ... if you want to live with your tumor then there are some positive sides with having it.Here are some articles.


Also this is not a brain tumor but a brain damage after a hit in the head:


Here are some more:


Discover the positive abilities that your tumor gives you ... I do feel what you will discover will be gold for you and for others...Enjoy

All love for you mate ... :)

While i'm happy for them all and shows just how little we know the brain, in isn't a situation if I want the tumor removed in my case, they can't remove it at all given it's sheer size and where it's located right beside a major artery, so whatever is happening in my specific case is more akin to a natural remission as the one and only symptom is gone, and so is the need for medication and the same goes for the electrical interference it used to cause, and it was the latter that provoked said epileptic seizures.

Do I feel smarter or more creative?....Not that I noticed, but i'm plenty happy to simply have all my marbles still intact in every way and leading a productive and normal life, and I can say that I enjoy the small pleasures in life a lot more, many of which most take for granted and think they're nothing special....I mean for the first time in 8 years, i'll actually be able to enjoy a beer FFS (alcohol and taking medication is a no go )......:p :lol:

The adventure continues, as now it's up to the doctors to find out how it happened, depending on this next MRI scan.......I do have the satisfaction of passing by the senior oncologist and radiologists at the hospital (they run the chemotherapy and radio therapy depts. respectively), where like the Neurologist, said time and time again I have no other options than theirs, with a huge stupid grin on my face and they know what's happening and don't dare say anything anymore......That's worth a million $ right there....:lol:

My case is known thru all the major hospitals in the Montreal area, as I opened my case file to every specialist that wants to read it a few years ago, so it's not just the hospital where I got diagnosed with this anymore......They're all still scratching their heads and going WTF at the latest results over the past year, heck i'm not even in the priority list when it comes to the MRI anymore, so I wait my turn.....It's a good place to be...:D