What a coincidence .... Don't wait for the doctors .. you can "kill" it yourself...I fight something medical myself ... Only one doctor discover it after 12 years..
This medical condition rare around my relatives gave the oportunity to go ... off-road ... I read books for self development and learning my body to auto-heal..Now i understand why from all people here only with you i really tend to joke and somehow you pick the frequency just fine...It make sense now...The law of magnetism has been confirmed powerfully...
Path to self-realization is the only way if you want to heal ...
Just don't expect the doctors to do all the thing ... As you said they were consider you dead long ago..The body can't be reproduced in a human factory...They can't produce 1:1 hands or organs so there is more to this..
Get happy ...
Continuing on the off topic subject, since there's tons of Artic islands information to discuss (NOT.....
), the decision to not do the treatments, came about relative to what isn't known about said condition which there is quite a lot of unknowns, and that said treatments are quite blunt options on something that is very delicate to begin with.....As some may have surmised with the hints so far, i'm talking about the brain and being diagnosed with a tumor that has been there what feels like forever, as it's been there way longer than the 8 years since the diagnosis, as these things take time to grow and when it was seen for the first time, it was already huge by any standard.....
It's called a astrocytoma, and in my case after a biopsy was performed 8 years ago, it was classified as a grade 2 variant (they go from 1 to 4 variants), and it was roughly 2 inches wide and high by 2 1/2 inches long on the left side of the brain.....It grew since then length wise, but has remained stable size wise for the last 4 years for an unknown reason......For those used to the metric system, that's 5 centimeters wide and high, by 6 centimeters long, and at it's peak reached nearly 10 centimeters long, with the other 2 dimensions hitting 6 centimeters.
It was mainly the size of the thing and the location that scared the neurologist shitless, and the fact that it eventually mutates into a grade 3 or grade 4 on it's own, which are considered necrotic so it destroys everything it touches......The location of the beast in question is surrounded healthy brain tissue deep in the left lobe of the brain, and parked right beside one of the brain's main arteries in that area, making an operation tricky as the artery could rupture while undergoing the procedure, killing me there and then, so the brain surgeon didn't want to touch this with a 10 foot pole....
So I started to ask about the other options, mainly chemotherapy and radio therapy. and with regards to the brain those are also risky since for those that don't know, the brain stops developing once it's reaches it's adult phase which is usually once a person hit's their 20's, and stops replicating cells and growing altogether......From that point onwards, it is what it is until said individual kicks the proverbial bucket....
So chemotherapy and radiotherapy's main problem, is that while valid options for anywhere else in the body, is pretty debatable when it comes to the brain after it's reached that adult phase, since neither option distinguishes between good or bad cells and wipes it all out, especially radiotherapy (it's called radio necrosis).....Add that we still don't know what causes these things to appear, but it's not family bloodline related, as the number of cases aren't any higher no matter if there were direct family members that had it or not, so that's not it.
As a general case, grade 2 astrocytoma's usually manifest themselves in people in their early 20's, yet here I was diagnosed with mine at age 36 so I may have had it for a long time without ever knowing it, and it took an epileptic seizure, and subsequent MRI scan to reveal itself......Yes, life can kick you in the nuts with no warning at all, keep that in mind.....
The shocking thing and the main reason why I didn't do the treatments, though the reasons above would be plenty, is the total lack of symptoms other that the seizures, which are gone now if you're wondering...(
That area of the brain is supposed to control on the intellectual side of things:
General understanding, deduction, reasoning.
On the physical side of things:
Right side body movement in general.
Coordination between right and left.
It's also supposed to cause massive headaches that can last days, given the size of the thing and the extra room it takes up, forcing at least part of the brain against the skull and it's kind of a tight fit in there to say the least....Not a damn thing in all of the above, yet the standard theory states that it's supposed to be dead tissue or at the very least malfunctioning, and plasticity.....The brains ability to transfer functions elsewhere comes into play, but if that's the case and given the huge size involved here, because small it is not, then why do we have such large brains in the first place?....
The brain uses up a lot of energy to keep it going, so I had doubts it had this much to spare not really doing anything to put it mildly, and the latest test ( called an EEG), shows that the tumor in question no longer is interfering with the brain in terms of it's electrical functions anymore, something which they've never seen before.....My case is unique at this point.
I had done the same test 8 years ago and the electrical interference was there, and the condition overall is supposed to get worse, not better as I don't need the medication for the seizures anymore, they've stopped which was the only symptom to begin with.....So, now i'm scheduled for an MRI to see this thing in my noggin in visual terms, not just electrically like the EEG, and if it confirms both the EEG's results, the only symptom going away and having no need for the medication anymore.....I have a good feeling about this..
Depending on the results, they still have samples of the biopsy I did 8 years ago, and can compare it with one taken now to see if there's differences in the DNA itself from the same individual just taken at a different time.....If there are within the chromosomes that control brain development specifically, it greatly reduces the amount of searching......The answer they seek may be in there, and could lead to a cure for everyone that has the same thing.....It'll never kill anyone ever again.
I just had to make one hell of a Gamble, accept the risks of what i'm doing ( yup, even death), and ride it out....I'm just that crazy...