The Talos Principle II

Worth noting that the beta patch branch, just got FSR3 with FrameGen recently. That might be extremely handy for playing on something like a Steamdeck. The game is slow enough, that the type of artifact's generally caused by FrameGen might be ok. Or at least acceptable on the steamdeck.
24 hrs to get to ONE ending. still "playing" 143.1 hours later.

Sounds like me. I got my first ending in about 40 hours. I wasn't really going out of my way to solve everything. After that ending, I went back to just before the final megastructure part and did the rest of the lost puzzles, which unlocked the12 golden gate puzzles. Those bastards were hard, but unlocked a better ending. Then I started a fresh playthrough, trying to solve everything. Still working on that. Had to consult walkthroughs on a couple of the Sphinx puzzles. Got about 100 hours in the game. Love it. Probably even more than the first one.

Both of these games, it's the way they're structured that leads to very lengthy play sessions. You finish a puzzle, think to yourself, "I'll do one more." That leads to more. Then you finish an area and think, "I want to see what the next area looks like." It's all little nice bite-sized chunks. Then 3 hours later, it occurs to you that you really have to pee.
Just finished the 'Into the Abyss' part of the expansion pack. Well worth $20 by itself.
Other two parts were fun also.
Just finished the 'Into the Abyss' part of the expansion pack. Well worth $20 by itself.
Other two parts were fun also.
I'm just starting the gold puzzles in the first part. The first part seems to concentrate on connectors and beam crossing and blocking and stuff. Unfortunately, that's probably my least favorite mechanic in the game. Hopefully the other two parts will get away from that. So far, it's not nearly as good as The Road To Gehenna was. But I'll keep at it and give it a chance.
I'm just starting the gold puzzles in the first part. The first part seems to concentrate on connectors and beam crossing and blocking and stuff. Unfortunately, that's probably my least favorite mechanic in the game. Hopefully the other two parts will get away from that. So far, it's not nearly as good as The Road To Gehenna was. But I'll keep at it and give it a chance.
IMO the first part was the weakest. Don't care for blocking/crossing lasers. That could be done in 2d.
I managed to do the first gold puzzle in the first episode (the one with the moving pillar). Spent some time in the other two puzzles and couldn't make heads or tails out of them. So I just went ahead and finished without them. I'll consult walkthroughs for those later. I've done the first 5 puzzles in the second episode. Feeling better about it now. These puzzles seem much more...elegant, I guess, than the first episode.
I thoroughly enjoyed Isle of the Blessed. Although there was one spot in The Hexahedron that I considered completely unfair.
What appears to be a single barrier is actually two barriers with a small slit in between them.
Took a look at the first 4 puzzles in The Abyss. It was all more of that beam crossing junk. I solved the second one, couldn't do any of the others. Figured I'd call this 1/3 of an enjoyable DLC and call it a day.
I've just bought both games and their main DLC from the steam sale, I notice that the first game is only 15 GB in download size while the 2nd game is a whooping 100 GB O_O is that just due to UE5 bloat or the 2nd game has much more content?
I've just bought both games and their main DLC from the steam sale, I notice that the first game is only 15 GB in download size while the 2nd game is a whooping 100 GB O_O is that just due to UE5 bloat or the 2nd game has much more content?

I don't know if I'd say the second one has more content than the first one, but it has a lot more real estate. It's much prettier and has a lot more characters and dialog, too. I liked the second game better than the first game, but liked the first game's DLC better than the second game's DLC. That being said, both are among my favorite games of all time.
I've just bought both games and their main DLC from the steam sale, I notice that the first game is only 15 GB in download size while the 2nd game is a whooping 100 GB O_O is that just due to UE5 bloat or the 2nd game has much more content?
IMO playing the first game and following the story makes the second game more immersive and easier to solve puzzles.
IMO playing the first game and following the story makes the second game more immersive and easier to solve puzzles.
I'm trying to play the first game, I have to say it's not really enjoyable to me, it's too sterile in presentation compared to portal series, I really hope the 2nd game have more direction and urgency to the story...