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      Crash7 replied to the thread Games Finished June 2024.
      I did manage to finish one game last month. The Gunk
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      Crash7 replied to the thread The Talos Principle II.
      I don't know if I'd say the second one has more content than the first one, but it has a lot more real estate. It's much prettier and...
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      Crash7 replied to the thread The Talos Principle II.
      I thoroughly enjoyed Isle of the Blessed. Although there was one spot in The Hexahedron that I considered completely unfair. Took...
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      Crash7 replied to the thread The Talos Principle II.
      I managed to do the first gold puzzle in the first episode (the one with the moving pillar). Spent some time in the other two puzzles...
    • C
      Crash7 replied to the thread The Talos Principle II.
      I'm just starting the gold puzzles in the first part. The first part seems to concentrate on connectors and beam crossing and blocking...
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