Should have I called the cops?

Sounds like a darn good reason to never visit IN again!!
And yes, if you have to ask you should have called the cops already.

Its not that bad. :(

But we have our nut cases like anyone else. Some hicks abuse the woodlands like that though, the outdoors can handle rotting corpses.(Only has been for a billion years) But when you pile up some much gunk it starts to turn into a cess pool. :mad:

The cats doesn't surprise me. We used to have many stolen pets that would get abused here. Some sick teens or a cult of some sort. Been awhile though, maybe they moved up by you error. :eek:
Ok, it's owned by the railroads so it's their responsiblity to clean the area up..

this kind of stuff really isn't that odd for a secluded area. When I was younger me and my peers use to explore an undeveloped desert area in California that a family member owned, we saw some crazy **** there. You had a dozen people living out in the middle of a desert with no vehicles, no access to the outside world.
We found a dead cow inside of a small shack, a cow in a California desert is weird, a slaughtered cow on someone's bed inside of an abandoned shack was just insane.. and that's just one of a million odd things about that desert, so when I say I've seen worse, I mean it.

There was no way in hell I was going to look under that blanket. I almost vomited from the smell and I was 20' away from it and I don't have a weak stomach at all.

But you guys are going to be disapointed. It was a dead deer under the blanket according to the police, someone had cleaned it and thrown all the trimmings in a plastic garbage bag and then covered it with the blanket to rot out in the woods.

The other stuff is still freaky but that's what you get in an area like this. The authorities say that there really isn't anything they can do about it unless the railroad complains and I'm sure they wont as long as the garbage stays off of the road or their tracks.

And no, I don't own a gun, I didn't have a weapon of any kind, just a mesh bag and a large stick. Better yet, I had my sister and my 7 year old niece with me.. luckily she was too busy exploring to notice anything. We rushed out of there pretty quickly when I considered that it might be a bit on the dangerous side.

and I'll be going back after we get some rain. Dead stuff, psycho cultists, dangerous secluded woods? (not my video) - I don't really care, it's fun and exciting. I'll probably go back out to that exact spot after the next rain, though I might bring a sharper stick next time.

I can't believe none of you have done any exploring in areas like this? They exist all over the country if you drive a few minutes outside of the city. Anywhere there are woods or desert, places no normal person would have any reason to go to but close enough your local freaks have easy enough access.
Okay... seriously, are you really going to go back there? Leave alone the shock factor which is easy enough to get over after a while, you really want to be picking mushrooms in an area where animals have decomposed into the earth and gotten onto the mushrooms? :confused:

Nope. No way in hell I'd do it. :nope:
Im betting its the infamous Chupacabra under the blanky...

Lift up the blanket, see what it is! Doing that will makes your marbles finally fall from inside!!! ;)
I don't know if this will work but here's a sattelite view of the area (steal my mushrooms and I will fly to wherever you live and kick your ass),-87.425326&spn=0.002697,0.004184&t=h

the road might look nice but it isn't, we had to take my truck to get through it. I think this road only exists for railroad workers and they smooth it out once a year so the workers can get their trucks in to do maintanance.

and jesus christ, do you see that junkyard just north of it? never been completely up that road because it's always flooded..
these are magic mushrooms you pick right?

Why in the hell else would he be going there?

In my youth, I explored a ton of places like he is describing. We found some really weird places in Kentucky. We'd take girls out there with a 12-pack of beer, start telling the stories we'd heard, and they'd be scared shitless. Fun times indeed.
Well, today I went back out to the general area and spotted a dead cat hanging in a tree, with its paws hooked to branches and it spread out like something you would see in a horror movie. It was freaky but I've seen worse in secluded areas.

Wow are you kidding me, sounds like a texas chainsaw type of place. I hope you called the police.

Heh, he hates Texas and complains about the hicks there (even though he's never been to Texas) and this is apparently a normal occurance to him. :lol: :nuts: :runaway:
No, actually they are Morel mushrooms.

and screw off xCLAVEx, I keep that kinda **** out of P&R and so should you.
Are you sure you arnt living in Silent Hill? That sounds horrible. I think police action would be advised if nothing else to just have piece of mind.
Are you sure you arnt living in Silent Hill? That sounds horrible. I think police action would be advised if nothing else to just have piece of mind.
I called them and they uncovered the blanket, it was a dead deer.. otherwise they said they couldn't do much because it was so 'out of the way'.
The only weird thing around here is "Eat My Rags" spray painted on the back of an old building. I never understood what the hell it meant.
What kinda mushrooms grow in your area?

I picked up some composted manure at a local park and found shaggy manes growing all over the base of the pile last week.
ErrorS, I frequently explore wooded areas, though typically I bring a knife with me and wear a bright orange jacket (cant be too careful). Typically I go in the fall when it's cooler. Back when I was with my exgirlfriend she'd come along too, it's actually quite romantic, all alone in the woods, miles away from civiliaztion.

I tend to bring a map and a compass, though my last few trips I didn't. Anyway, I have seen some nasty stuff (such as deer carcases), but it's mostly from careless hunters (hunting illegally mind you).

I live close to some of the most secluded areas of Oklahoma, and there is quite a bit of creepy stuff down here. Most of the weird **** I run across is near a seculded house or rural neighborhood, done by kids or teenagers.

It's not often that I come across things of that nature, but when I do smell/see something like that I always investigate. Never know what it is, and I have to make sure it's not human.

I'm glad you called the cops, but I kinda figured they couldn't do anything, sad though :(
Well hello. Have not seen you in ages. You back for good?
We'll see.