Should have I called the cops?

I would have looked under the blanket. If it was a body, then you could have helped the investigation by days, wich could lead to alot of evidence. Can you please take some pictures of this place?
This thread has potential it hasnt reached yet. Call the freakin cops!

But first make it a r3d exclusive! :bleh:
Well, today I went back out to the general area and spotted a dead cat hanging in a tree, with its paws hooked to branches and it spread out like something you would see in a horror movie. It was freaky but I've seen worse in secluded areas.
Yeah, that's ****ed up.
Yeah, this thread really needs pictures .. lug your digicam next time. :eek: (To satisfy everybody's morbid curiousity)
There are at the least animal cruelty issues here so there is a criminal element to this. Make a report and if theres a local animal welfare agency of some description or environmental health officers you can refer it to them I would think. Decomposing animals need to be disposed of properly. If you feel like taking a pic of the cat in the tree it would be a great help in getting something done about it.
Definitely a good idea to alert the authorities. Probably get people in there to clean that dump up.

I hate it when I go out into wilderness areas and see trash piles and other ****. Friggin' hicks dumping garbage wherever they please instead of taking it to a designated dumping site.
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wow... nothing like this where i live and I go all over the city. there are some places where trash is dumped, sometimes there are needles and left-overs from heroin/other drug cooking, but NEVER anything dead. i see pretty much the worst secluded places in my city by working for insect control.
You better take some pictures. I wish I had an eerie place like that around here, it's too boring. Not that dead cats hanging from trees would be entertaining, but I need some shock value every now and then.

You should have lifted the blanket, I wouldn't have been able to resist. Just find a long ass stick or something.
It was probably Rambozo's work, that's why he don't want you to worry about it!

But seriously, are you serious?? Why do you even need to ask whether or not to call cops, DO IT! Obviously there's something freaky and f'ed up going on over there. I mean, if anything, there's definitely animal cruelty... do us a favor, call the cops.
Sounds like a darn good reason to never visit IN again!!
And yes, if you have to ask you should have called the cops already.