Serious Sam: Second Ecounter

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Speak for yourself, you began the trolling and I am going to finish it. However *sigh* you most likely want to have the last word so I'm expecting another post.

Lol! Man, when you reach the age to where playing in the sandbox is considered "old news", be sure to look us up.

I've never seen such an empty content post to try and get "the last word" then such a juvenile challenge to leave it as such. Grow up and maybe we can start having a mature discussion.

The point at hand is a *problem* with SS:SE on the GF3 card. The *problem* doesn't exist on the 8500, end of discussion. You can boast your illusional "the numbers dont lie"- but I don't see any numbers, just a pair of NVidia trolls that simply wont fire the game up and look at the spots I'm talking about and simply dismiss it off and label at "ATI fanaticsim." Notice I've said multiple times now it's a *BUG*, but sorry if that somehow bruises your ego or equates to "NVIDIA SUXORZ"- especially since I've already said I have the damn card. But then again, I wouldn't anything less from trolls.

.... anyways, I was just wondering how I would get to the the advanced graphical setting in SS:SE I would like to see if truform is enabled and tweek other settings.

Advanced Options, Advanced Rendering Options.. then use the "Down" button on the lower left to scroll down through the list. You'll find the settings for TruForm, LOD, anisotropy and bunches more.
Thx man, will look into it as soon as I get away from this craphole I call a job:) I don't know about GF3 series I brought mine back and got a 8500 before this game was avaliable. For most games I've found them quite comparable. I do find the odd shudder in this game for no apparent reason. I guess thats the "High Poly bug"? I'm a little disappointed with that. We'll see how JK2 runs.
Yeah, SS:SE is very CPU bound by comparison to the first.

You'll notice how objects suddenly "appear" as you get closer- this is known as dynamic geometry LOD. SS:SE is loaded with techniques to reduce bandwidth/improve video performance versus brute force scene rendering. This kind of shifts the focus away from the fillrate/bandwidth requirements of the videocard and puts more stress on the driver quality and overall system bandwidth/performance (CPU, chipset, memory, cache, etc.etc.). This has also afforded them the ability to use MUCH more detailed/fat textures and it pulls all this off quite well.

I don't get any stuttering or performance issues on either my GF3 or 8500- both run the game fairly well, but this is on a P4-2.0ghz. With eyecandy maxed out (some level of AA + anisotropy as well), they all get around 45-65 fps in the game. I just wish I could lose the mipmap errors, tc errors, and texture render crawl I'm seeing on the GF3 only. This is the last problem that needs to be worked out.

Now that Asus has their GF4-Ti (330mhz core, baybee!), I've been interested if the driver/support has improved to yield better SS:SE performance or if the mipmapping problems/tc problems have been fixed. From this thread, it sounds like neither are the case yet. Oh well, here's to the 29.20 drivers or whatever. :)
Sharkfood said:

Lol! Man, when you reach the age to where playing in the sandbox is considered "old news", be sure to look us up.

I've never seen such an empty content post to try and get "the last word" then such a juvenile challenge to leave it as such. Grow up and maybe we can start having a mature discussion.

The point at hand is a *problem* with SS:SE on the GF3 card. The *problem* doesn't exist on the 8500, end of discussion. You can boast your illusional "the numbers dont lie"- but I don't see any numbers, just a pair of NVidia trolls that simply wont fire the game up and look at the spots I'm talking about and simply dismiss it off and label at "ATI fanaticsim." Notice I've said multiple times now it's a *BUG*, but sorry if that somehow bruises your ego or equates to "NVIDIA SUXORZ"- especially since I've already said I have the damn card. But then again, I wouldn't anything less from trolls.

Sigh, kids these days are too obtuse. As usual your response is lacking anything clever. You need to grow up man and stop preaching which card is better than the other.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Sigh, kids these days are too obtuse. As usual your response is lacking anything clever. You need to grow up man and stop preaching which card is better than the other.

So far, the only one doing this in this thread is you. But like I said, if you want to talk about the game and issues, go for it. It's alot better than your continual, empty, derogatory drivel.

And hey, ya' think you can just rehash what I've said to you just a *few* more times in an attempt to be "clever" ? Cute, but grows old.
Sharkfood said:

So far, the only one doing this in this thread is you. But like I said, if you want to talk about the game and issues, go for it. It's alot better than your continual, empty, derogatory drivel.

And hey, ya' think you can just rehash what I've said to you just a *few* more times in an attempt to be "clever" ? Cute, but grows old.

You are doing what is called "self projection". You aren't even realising your trolling attitude. Take a look back at your other posts and mine. You picked your beef with me and of course I had to respond. You are like byteme or pojo, picking a fight for no logical reason. Take a look at your first response to me and see if you have the ability to understand what you did to start this. Hope you have enough grey matter to figure it out, unless you require me to explain it in kindergarden terms.
I am willing to stop jason. I am just tired of people trying to tell me what is better for the world and that everything else sucks. Apparently I hit a nerve when I responded, but you are is time to end this.
Hope you have enough grey matter to figure it out, unless you require me to explain it in kindergarden terms.

Unfortunately, there is a lopsided "greymatter" surplus when it comes to a child trying to debate about something they dont even *have* in an attempt to avocate (i.e. "troll", "pimp", "persuade" and "falsify") a pro-NVidia slant. The humor really comes in when your "beef" (yes, the one you started) is about a problem you don't even have present to test or verify.

It's simply retarded that you are here advocating and arguing something you can't see nor have any knowledge concerning. It's called blind fanaticism, i.e. vendor specific bias at it's purest form.

One again, I'll remind you of your idiocy in this point:
My post:
The first Serious Sam didn't have the textures like SE has. And as far as the first SS, I'd tend to agree with you. I play the first edition at 1024x768 4xOGMS and 32-tap aniso on the GF3 and it looks great.

SE isn't the same case at all. There is something I'd qualify even as far as a "bug" on the GF3 that entails mipmap travel in motion that isn't the case on the 8500. A good example is to fire up SE and let the first fly-by over the first level (near the water pool where you drop and then a pan towards the temple at the end of the level).

And your ill-informed, brand specific rant with zero knowledge of SS:SE:
Oh I see, I have a radeon once, don't like the driver support so I switch to nvidia and I am somebody who wouldn't understand? I am very please with the performance and price of my geforce 3. It beats what my radeon ever did hands down. I do understand because I have had both cards so there is no biased opinion from me unlike from you. Nuff said.

Again, I'll point out the thread topic, title and context. And you previous submission of:
I've never played serious sam SE but in the first serious sam and just about every other 3d game I have found the 3d quality to actually be better on my geforce3 than on my old radeon.

So, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see who the "troll" is- someone divulging blind product name loyatly by completely unrelated terms and trying to prove this point on a topic which is also unrelated. A troll by no stretch of the imagination indeed. And yes, if you dont have both products.. and even moreso if you haven't even seen or played SS:SE on either card, I hardly call your input of any value other than baseless cheerleading.

Well, if you are ever able to get over yourself and your worshipped favorite 3D company for approximately 5 minutes, give SS:SE a chance and compare with an 8500. The issue I speak of is readily apparent. And Im not going to assert fictional "the numbers are with this one" as it's so readily visible and obvious it needs no quantification.

Sharkfood said:

Unfortunately, there is a lopsided "greymatter" surplus when it comes to a child trying to debate about something they dont even *have* in an attempt to avocate (i.e. "troll", "pimp", "persuade" and "falsify") a pro-NVidia slant. The humor really comes in when your "beef" (yes, the one you started) is about a problem you don't even have present to test or verify.

It's simply retarded that you are here advocating and arguing something you can't see nor have any knowledge concerning. It's called blind fanaticism, i.e. vendor specific bias at it's purest form.

One again, I'll remind you of your idiocy in this point:
My post:

And your ill-informed, brand specific rant with zero knowledge of SS:SE:

Again, I'll point out the thread topic, title and context. And you previous submission of:

So, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see who the "troll" is- someone divulging blind product name loyatly by completely unrelated terms and trying to prove this point on a topic which is also unrelated. A troll by no stretch of the imagination indeed. And yes, if you dont have both products.. and even moreso if you haven't even seen or played SS:SE on either card, I hardly call your input of any value other than baseless cheerleading.

Well, if you are ever able to get over yourself and your worshipped favorite 3D company for approximately 5 minutes, give SS:SE a chance and compare with an 8500. The issue I speak of is readily apparent. And Im not going to assert fictional "the numbers are with this one" as it's so readily visible and obvious it needs no quantification.


This is proof enough that he is not willing to let this go. The only idiot here is the one that started the trolling and as I suspected, he didn't have enough brains to figure it out. We need a mod to close this before this child bursts a vein in his forehead.
xCLAVEx said:
We need a mod to close this before this child bursts a vein in his forehead.
Request granted. This thread stopped being useful a long time ago. If anybody wants to seriously discuss Serious Sam, go make a new thread.
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