Sad sad state of affairs for anyone hoping for Radeon greatness

NV's been far more aggressive with new product releases than AMD. GK104->GK110(a)->GK110(b)->GM104->GM100->GP104->GP102

Every one of those chips is faster than its predecessor. AMD has Tahiti->Hawaii->Fiji during the same timeframe. Right now NV's fastest GPU, GP102, is between 70-120% faster than Fiji. That's not even in the same ballpark.
83% at dx11 and 66% at dx12 and you can buy 3 water cooled quiet fury x's for the price of one noisy ass titan x

nv had two gpu lines big and mid range small they since the 680 have been screwing us on the mid range chip
and they are not rebuilding a CPU side at the same time


the gtx 980 release date September 18, 2014


the gtx 1080 release date 05/27/2016

about 20 months for the same small chip line

but people want amd to do it in 12 months or less :nuts:
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83% at dx11 and 66% at dx12

Go back and read the review I linked. Taking an average of the performance at 2 resolutions, one of which is less GPU-limited, isn't a good way to look a the maximum performance capability of a graphics card, let alone to compare 2. Look at the comparisons OF EACH GAME to see the percentage difference between Fury X and Titan X. Even in DX12 games like Gears of War, Hitman, and Rise of the Tomb Raider (AMD's BEST case scenario) Titan X is still 70%, 65% and 93% faster than Fury X @ 4k. DX11 is an even larger delta with GTA V hitting 102% faster @ 4k. @ 1440p in RotTR Titan X is actually 127% faster than Fury X.

NV has a HUGE lead over AMD right now. It's not up for debate.

and you can buy 3 water cooled quiet fury x's for the price of one noisy ass titan x

Noise? What noise? My Titan X is watercooled, as is my CPU and I use a fan controller to keep the system silent. If you've got the money for this level of hardware you don't leave the stock cooler on. And 1 fast card is > multiple slower cards. I know from experience. 3x R9 290s -> 3x 980s -> 1x 980 Ti -> 1x Titan X Pascal. The single card examples from that list were much less problematic in games, and each was fast enough for the display I matched it to.

nv had two gpu lines big and mid range small they since the 680 have been screwing us on the mid range chip
and they are not rebuilding a CPU side at the same time

Don't remind me. I've bought a card from NV every generation dating back to the G92 (8800GT/9800 GT) days. I was one of the first and one of the loudest complaining about the GK104's price and name. Should've been the 660Ti and the 660, not the 680 and the 670. Nonetheless, the point remains. Every GPU on that list is faster than the one it replaced.
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the gtx 980 release date September 18, 2014


the gtx 1080 release date 05/27/2016

about 20 months for the same small chip line

but people want amd to do it in 12 months or less :nuts:

And in between there was the GM100 which was faster than 980. And when 1080 came out it was faster than GM100 (980 Ti/Titan X Maxwell).
And in between there was the GM100 which was faster than 980. And when 1080 came out it was faster than GM100 (980 Ti/Titan X Maxwell).

it is still two separate gpu lines

since fury x amd on the other hand has had to make 3 new console apu's of which nv will never get without a x86 license

and are still doing Zen and Vega at the same time

then there wasa HBM2 delay

and Vega has always been 1H2017 since fury came out so is still on time
but Zen was delayed

Noise? What noise? My Titan X is watercooled, as is my CPU and I use a fan controller to keep the system silent. If you've got the money for this level of hardware you don't leave the stock cooler on. And 1 fast card is > multiple slower cards. I know from experience. 3x R9 290s -> 3x 980s -> 1x 980 Ti -> 1x Titan X Pascal. The single card examples from that list were much less problematic in games, and each was fast enough for the display I matched it to.
got the money and a full water cooled caselabs MAGNUM TX10-D case , was talking stock to stock cooling
just will not reward the nv's lack of full dx12 support when it says so on the box

true :bleh:
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There's no doubt that the CPU side has been siphoning off resources from the graphics side. I suspect if ATi were still an independent company it would be more competitive (it would have to be).

I think company vs company, Nvidia is doing what they have to do. Realistically, they have nothing besides GPUs (ok, some minor businesses selling Tegra chips for cars). Had Nvidia not been aggressive as they have been, the decline in GPU sales would have absolutely killed them. They are fortunate that AMD was distracted fighting a two front war, allowing them to take a disproportionate amount of market share.

Going forward, as IGPs become more competent, the GPU business is going to continue being eroded. And if AMD comes out with APUs with HBM and actually decent performance, that's going to just keep getting worse. Intel is also continuing to make strides in that area.

If I had to put all my money into one company and just hold it for 10-20 years, I wouldn't pick either AMD or Nvidia right now. The thing about business is you can never be sure when an abrupt paradigm shift can happen that just eliminates the economic value of a company or industry. Case in point, Blockbuster Video, back in 2000 they were flying high and had run most of the small time video stores out of business. No one realized that the advent of DVDs would undermine their entire business (Netflix/Redbox), and within a decade they would be bankrupt.
Being an AMD fanboy.. I finally gave up and bought an intel cpu for my last build.. and after Vega wasn't releasing until 2017 I bought a 1080, my 7970 was really showing its age at 1440P in modern games.
When ever I buy a video card I always buy at the top or near the top. And AMD had nothing to offer.

I just hope Vega and Zen really gives them a good boost and really competes with Nvidia and Intel.
Being an AMD fanboy.. I finally gave up and bought an intel cpu for my last build.. and after Vega wasn't releasing until 2017 I bought a 1080, my 7970 was really showing its age at 1440P in modern games.
When ever I buy a video card I always buy at the top or near the top. And AMD had nothing to offer.

Every time I've been ready to buy a CPU over the last 11 years I made the same analysis and arrived at the same conclusion. GPUs have been different, I've owned 7950s and R9 290s during that span but based on what was available at the time I've gone with NV probably 80% of the time.

I just hope Vega and Zen really gives them a good boost and really competes with Nvidia and Intel.

Me too. Don't forget folks, I was using AMD before most of you had even heard of the company. AM5x86 100-133MHzMHz drop in upgrade for the Socket 7 486 I was running previously. I don't hate them, I would like to see nothing more than for AMD to be competitive at the high-end of the market in every market in which they compete. I would love to be able to buy an 8-core Zen that outperforms my current 4.4GHz 5820k for encoding tasks and only cost $200-300.
Me too. Don't forget folks, I was using AMD before most of you had even heard of the company. AM5x86 100-133MHzMHz drop in upgrade for the Socket 7 486 I was running previously. I don't hate them, I would like to see nothing more than for AMD to be competitive at the high-end of the market in every market in which they compete. I would love to be able to buy an 8-core Zen that outperforms my current 4.4GHz 5820k for encoding tasks and only cost $200-300.

my first amd product was a 386 dx-40. So yes i did hear of them, long before you in fact. Im sure theres others too.

cough.. bittermann, i think themac is older too

aha, cant forget bill
my first amd product was a 386 dx-40. So yes i did hear of them, long before you in fact. Im sure theres others too.

cough.. bittermann, i think themac is older too

aha, cant forget bill

1) you missed the word MOST
2) also the purpose of the post - I have nothing against AMD, the combative attitude in this thread towards me is unwarranted
1) you missed the word MOST
2) also the purpose of the post - I have nothing against AMD, the combative attitude in this thread towards me is unwarranted

Well you failed to mention that the Titan X (Pascal) P102 chip is not even a fully enabled chip ;). So Nvidia may have a few more surprises coming our way next year - maybe a Titan X Black or just Titan Black with a fully enabled P102. 1080Ti (further reduced P102 chip from the current Titan X). Prices will be set according to what type of competition AMD musters next year.

I fully expect Vega to kick some ass and if not be priced rather good for what you get. Until launched no one really knows except a few in AMD/RTG.
my first amd product was a 386 dx-40. So yes i did hear of them, long before you in fact. Im sure theres others too.

cough.. bittermann, i think themac is older too

aha, cant forget bill
am386 and ati Mach 8 in like 1991 I think before that I was Atari
I know but some of your posts do sometimes sound like it

It's difficult to convey or infer tone via a purely textual medium. If I say something that sounds like I'm bashing AMD, unless I actually use a phrase such as "AMD sucks, you fanboys are stupid", I'm probably just telling it like it is.

Nvidia is faster right now. Has been for a long time. The R9 290 was the last AMD card that had a decent advantage over the competition until NV dropped the 980. The situation is particularly bad at the moment, with cards like the 1080 and Titan X being so much faster than the Fury X that it only makes sense to buy a Fury X if you can find one for a significant discount. I hope this all changes some day, the sooner the better.
It's difficult to convey or infer tone via a purely textual medium. If I say something that sounds like I'm bashing AMD, unless I actually use a phrase such as "AMD sucks, you fanboys are stupid", I'm probably just telling it like it is.

Nvidia is faster right now. Has been for a long time. The R9 290 was the last AMD card that had a decent advantage over the competition until NV dropped the 980. The situation is particularly bad at the moment, with cards like the 1080 and Titan X being so much faster than the Fury X that it only makes sense to buy a Fury X if you can find one for a significant discount. I hope this all changes some day, the sooner the better.
at 389 bucks down from 649 I think they have done that
NV's been far more aggressive with new product releases than AMD. GK104->GK110(a)->GK110(b)->GM104->GM100->GP104->GP102

Every one of those chips is faster than its predecessor. AMD has Tahiti->Hawaii->Fiji during the same timeframe. Right now NV's fastest GPU, GP102, is between 70-120% faster than Fiji. That's not even in the same ballpark.

:lol: So you think it's great that Nvidia has a card that is 100% faster than a Fury but costs nearly 300% more is in the same ball park? Do the maths it's not too hard. Ooh I'll spend 3 x the price for 1 x the performance. Bargain. I'll have four thank you. Oh no I can't because NV don't do more than 2 x SLI. Oh well that's life.

I've had my Fury Pro for over 12 months and it still does what I want it to do. I game at 1440p and the Fury delivers in spades for what I want. I'm not in a rush to upgrade TBH because I can't see the point. If Vega is competitive on price and performance to the 1080 (or ti) I might buy it.

As I've said many times Pascal is just Maxwell on steroids and is just a stepping stone for Volta with HBM2. NV are just milking this release for those 'educated' fans who'll fall for it before Volta comes out. Don't blame them really business is business as they say.
Wow thats going back a ways... my list of pcs, as to date Ive always only had the one, was:

486 dx 66 (intel)
Pentium 90
Pentium 200mmx
Celeron 300a oced to 450mhz (sidegrade to the 200mmx imo)

Athlon XP
Athlon 64
Athlon 64 opteron dual core
Phenom 2 965
And last week the FX8320 came in (not setup yet parts still on the way and Im still shopping for deals -a vidcard, os and ssd)

I forget which years each of those had except the phenom in 2009...

But now Im gonna have 2 pcs. Maybe 3 depending if I can swing zen next year. The phenom 2 is still a great machine.