R3X0 can only support 2048x2048?

Humus said:
Well, of course it's possible. Not sure it would be very interesting though. They will look the same until you get very close in which case the higher res will have more detail and the low res gets more blurry.

But EVERYONE and their dog is able to see that, thats why its a MANDATORY MUST HAVE thing for ATI to suport.
IF the dont its ATI = teh suxors.

Kind of like how the whole "This pixel has shifted 0.05 points on the red color scale compared to the geforce image. In turn the ATI image looks much more worsE" kinds of arguments :D
Re: R3X0 can only support 2048x2048?

DarkSithPro said:
The engine reports ATI cards can only do 2048x2048, but Nvidia FX can do 4092x4096. What does this mean for textures in games such as Far Cry? Is 2048 good enough?
Yes, well forgive my cynicism but the FX makers also claim that it support DX9, is faster than anything ever, etc. OK how 'bout this: the 5200FX supports DX9. I haven't heard anything favorable about it's performance with hi-res game settings. OK, the FX in general supports 4092x4092. That doesn't mean a thing until it can prove, like ATI has with their R3xx cards, that it can do what they claim it can.

And that's really all there is to it.
OpenGL guy said:
No it did not. The older S3 parts (I don't know about DeltaChrome) supposed 2kx2k textures max.

Quake 3 doesn't use any 4kx4k textures, so I don't see how it matters.

Open the quake 3 console, and scroll up (with PageUp) until you see.

Trackmania does 2048x2048 textures

Trackmania does 2048x2048 textures

You don't really have to look that far - a simple game like TrackMania has quite a few of them 2048x2048 textures at 5MB a piece :) Not that they're really needed if you open them, but they are there nevertheless.

But - I'm not convinced larger textures are needed, now that we can manipulate them with different layers, some realtime procedural generated ones. There are obvious situations where a larger texture might be usefull, such as a sky. But, just look at say the original Unreal and its beautiful skies - layering can go a long way in simulating HUGE textures :-)
m$-MaNiAC said:
Open the quake 3 console, and scroll up (with PageUp) until you see.


that's the max. texture size the device supports , that doesn't mean q3 uses 4k*4k textures.
Re: Re: R3X0 can only support 2048x2048?

Re: Re: R3X0 can only support 2048x2048?

jimmyboy said:
Yes, well forgive my cynicism but the FX makers also claim that it support DX9, is faster than anything ever, etc. OK how 'bout this: the 5200FX supports DX9. I haven't heard anything favorable about it's performance with hi-res game settings. OK, the FX in general supports 4092x4092. That doesn't mean a thing until it can prove, like ATI has with their R3xx cards, that it can do what they claim it can.

And that's really all there is to it.

It already has been proven with the Playstation Plugin good sir...

It works fine with both Geforce 4 and Geforce FX cards.
Re: Re: R3X0 can only support 2048x2048?

Re: Re: R3X0 can only support 2048x2048?

jimmyboy said:
Yes, well forgive my cynicism but the FX makers also claim that it support DX9, is faster than anything ever, etc. OK how 'bout this: the 5200FX supports DX9. I haven't heard anything favorable about it's performance with hi-res game settings. OK, the FX in general supports 4092x4092. That doesn't mean a thing until it can prove, like ATI has with their R3xx cards, that it can do what they claim it can.

And that's really all there is to it.

4096x4096, not 4092x4092, you mean?