Please detail any 5.7.1 upgrade issues here

When I come on I get this at the top of the screen...

"Warning: Undefined array key "lastactivity" in phar://.../vb/vb.phar/api/wol.php on line 132 Warning: Undefined array key "lastactivity" in phar://.../vb/vb.phar/api/wol.php on line 132 Warning: Undefined array key "lastactivity" in phar://.../vb/vb.phar/api/wol.php on line 132 "
Also, why is the site so slow? It used to be much more snappy.. Now it feels like it's running off of a 5 1/4 floppy drive...
Also, why is the site so slow? It used to be much more snappy.. Now it feels like it's running off of a 5 1/4 floppy drive...

Yeah not entire sure yet why it's so sluggish, but we are aware and looking at it.

Now I'm getting this above the login section...

I get this as well. Also aware, but not sure whats causing it yet.
On threads with a lot of pages, loading into the thread brings up the first page, and then putting the last page number into the 'Page x of y' area at the top of the page is incredibly slow, and sometimes just refuses to load page x.

Example thread is Vengie's screenshot one in the PC gaming section.

EDIT: add a way to go to the last page in a thread directly.
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Gives the impression of running a new software on old hardware...

I do believe It's running on both newer and faster hardware as part of the upgrade.

I kind of wonder what resources this thing uses... It just feels sluggish..

VB5 has been... not as impressive as hoped. It seems to just be just that... sluggish.
I dunno it's been both good and bad lately as far as posting speed goes. Used to I would notice the db must go into some sorta backup around 4pm CST where the entire site wouldn't respond at all for 10min and if you happen to hit submit during that window you were in for a looong wait. Also it seems channels with sub channels have the most problems updating the main page that you have unreads. I've had plenty of times where it would show Off-Topic was all read, go in anyway and see 2 or 3 threads with new posts.
Half the time I post nothing happens. Then I click post reply again and I either get an error or that this is a duplicate post. Either way I can’t see my post until I go somewhere else and then come back to the thread. Refresh alone does nothing. This is on mobile phone and it is painful.
Half the time I post nothing happens. Then I click post reply again and I either get an error or that this is a duplicate post. Either way I can’t see my post until I go somewhere else and then come back to the thread. Refresh alone does nothing. This is on mobile phone and it is painful.

On Desktop it'll say "Working" in a yellowish box at the top of the window to let you know it's thinking about it. Hopefully mobile has something similar going on.
Ya they listened to the critters complaints and doubled down on giving the gerbil more work to do... Can post quickly as it can take a minute or timeout
Is the forum dead due to the new "upgrade"?

Asking the real questions here :bleh:

The "upgrade" does appear to have killed it. At least killed it deader than the dead it was at prior

For me, I come here, open a thread, click on the last page number to go to the end of the thread, nothing happens, click it a few more times, nothing happens, then give up and go to another site.
Given how fast the numbers are dwindling maybe a rollback would bring some of those old pups back? Who knows?
Things getting stranger day by day.

Somehow Kain has my Profile pic here

while his post isn't the last one

So far the "upgrade" really doesn't shines, or does it?