Please detail any 5.7.1 upgrade issues here

6 whole seconds from click of link to page opening... Ugh... That's slow...

EDIT: 15 seconds to post a reply... 2400 baud internet connection?
the go to last post button is in a weird place, would be nice if it could be moved next to thread title. Would help a lot with navigation.
Yeah, going to the last post, and perhaps the slowness of posting a reply are probably the two biggest usability issues right now.

Editing is way faster on this version, and all the embedded functionality is cool too.
i'm getting really tired of the errors, painfully slow loading times, new threads not properly showing up on the overview and so on and so on....
It's almost like vBulletin was designed to be ran on a bay of SSDs and we are on a floppy. It just 'feels' slow.

Maybe we should migrate off of the vBulletin software to something else?
This is an extremely minor complaint, but all the posts look new and bare, because the page count that was present before has gone. I know that the number of posts is there, but is there any way of getting the page list below? There were clickable links to 1,2,3,....344 etc.
It took a good minute to post that last post.... This is unreal.... What is killing the speed?
:arrow_up: At the top of the main forum page.

It's getting bigger !___!

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