Pics of your Pets!

my beloved adored 14 year old sofina, had thyroid surgery 2 weeks ago for overactive thyroids. shes been much calmer since and indoors more.

the weekend after surgery

a couple of days ago
Meet our new baby, Jenny. 7 months old, and the sweetest, most snuggly cat I've ever known.


The dogs do not approve of their new housemate. :lol:
Sorry for your loss, 20 years is wow though, hope my kitty lasts that long. This has been a bad year for pets. :(
after previous post about my darling sofina having thyroid surgery she seems to be doing ok still, has put on weight though has had two cuts around the left eye the past month, took her to the vets again for a checkup on monday and they said she seemed ok. maybe from excessive rubbing. never has had cuts from that before. strange.


Sorry for your loss, 15 years isn't bad for a doggy. It has been a bad year for pets but at least it seems most of the losses have lived long lives.