Hidden in plain sight
I am wondering if I should keep the box anymore. I haven't turned it on for maybe 3-4 months. Last game I tried playing was Ninja Turtles which was too hard to play with a controller.
I thought I would use cross play a bit more but that also didn't really turn out to be true. All games now on the PC so not sure why I have this sitting around collecting dust.
Anyone in a similar situation? I just need it for game pass but most of the games that I want to play on game pass are also on PC lol.
Its a reason i never got or was interested in an Xbox and a to lesser extent PS4. My PC stays up to date (more or less) and is what i use for my graphical/FPS games. My Switch handles all my other console game needs. Between the two i have all bases covered. An Xbox would be redundant and the PS4 exclusives were never my thing. The only things i dont like is that some games are better suited to a controller vs keyboard/mouse, and my PC isnt hooked up to the television, and that a console is just "turn on, load game, play" whereas my PC takes a little longer to get to the "play" part.
You also gotta remember Gamepass is on both PC and Xbox, There maybe Xbox only titles on it but for the most part anything available on Xbox would be available on PC as well via gamepass.