New "Top Gear" airs

I skipped through most of the last 15 minutes of this episode, it was pretty bad. During the challenges everyone is very forced and wooden, like someone is feeding them lines. The challenges aren't interesting in the slightest.
i still ike the old episodes better

Watched the first episode last week, and haven't really had the ambition since to watch the following episodes.

I think the show could grow on me over time, but I'm not thrilled with the new crew. Not a fan of Chris, at all. The first episode reminded me of a bunch of college frat boys who just inherited something great, that has been very succesful. May as well have all started high fiving each other the whole show. It was awkward.

Don't care for the new guest track modifications and car either. Matt LeBlanc seems OK, and I really think he could grow into the role. Looking forward to seeing Chris Harris, he's always been great on the camera IMO. Sabine also was decent, in her limited appearance. I really think this could work well if Chris Evans wasn't involved.
Chris Evans has the voice of a muppet, and his pants always look like they have a fresh dump in them.
I saw an article saying Matt LeBlanc is going to quit if Chris Evans isnt fired.

I saw the same article. Not sure how much weight it has on it, but I do think the new series would be better without Chris (and to some extent, without Matt as well).
I started watching the latest episode (didn't have time to finish it yet), and here's the weird thing for me:

Chris Evans does a really good job reviewing the cars.. I actually really enjoy his segments, which is surprising. However, his "hosting" is terrible.

Matt LeBlanc is just terrible all around. If they really want an American on the show, I can suggest many others that would be better suited.

I think if they switch up the roles, they could have some really good personnel for the show. i.e. put Chris Harris and Rory more as the hosts.. remove LeBlanc completely, and just let Chris Evans do reviews not hosting...
I started watching the latest episode (didn't have time to finish it yet), and here's the weird thing for me:

Chris Evans does a really good job reviewing the cars.. I actually really enjoy his segments, which is surprising. However, his "hosting" is terrible.

I agree. Evans isn't awful in the reviews. Especially as the season has gone on. I still don't like that he is trying to be all Jeremy instead of himself. And he is WAY too shouty in the studio. It's distractedly annoying.

Matt LeBlanc is just terrible all around. If they really want an American on the show, I can suggest many others that would be better suited.

I thought he did a brilliant job. And he is far better in studio than Evans.

His Rolls section was perfectly fine until they forced that old v/s new thing. They didn't need to do that. Evans is NOT James May.

I think if they switch up the roles, they could have some really good personnel for the show. i.e. put Chris Harris and Rory more as the hosts.. remove LeBlanc completely, and just let Chris Evans do reviews not hosting...

I LOVE Chris Harris, he's brilliant.

Rory, I am in two minds about. There's too many hosts on the show already. I'd rather they dump Evans and kept LeBlanc, because he adds a May-esque layer without the buffoonery :lol:

Rory's Jag bit was cool but criminally short. The previous episodes, he just seemed superfluous. This was the first time he actually did a good job for me so kudos to him.
Rory, I am in two minds about. There's too many hosts on the show already. I'd rather they dump Evans and kept LeBlanc, because he adds a May-esque layer without the buffoonery :lol:

Rory's Jag bit was cool but criminally short. The previous episodes, he just seemed superfluous. This was the first time he actually did a good job for me so kudos to him.

Check out Rory's YT page:

He does a great job and I'd like to see Top Gear really let him loose on the show.
Good, he was annoying. I think they should try having LeBlanc, Harris, and Reid be the three hosts, and loose crazy Eddie and Sabine.

Hopefully they bring back the news segment, and lose the rally car bit, and put them back on the regular track.
Watching some of the segments with Matt the forced (by producers) dumb guy act is too hamfisted. I thought his Porsche segment was great except the forced sandwich joke. They need to let him do more car reviews.

Chris Evans was cringe worthy in the studio. Fine for reviews.

I don't think Harris or Rory could hold up the studio bits. That is what they need to figure out as it was obvious they just didn't do that many because they saw it was the weak point.
I thought Sabine was awful, in way over her head. Every time she was given a line it was obvious, she wasn't made for that kind of stuff.