NEW DRIVERS 7.73 (6093) FOR ALL OS's

Armand said:
Installed these drivers with no loss of ogl or 3d tabs. Two amazing things though: went from a 3DMark2001 SE mark of 7361 to 11217 (!), Glexcess: 4579-5325. No improvement in RTCW but MOHAA looks even more breathtaking.

Looking at the scores in your link, everything seems to point towards a VERY high core overclock, like 390-400 MHz, with a not so high memory overclock (maybe 330-340). This can be seen in your high geometry scores and multitexture fillrate, but not so high (relatively speaking) single texture fillrate.

I don't think you cheated with some kind of time scaling program, or your CPU bound scores (Car high, Lobby high) would be too high for your processor. Some super high 3DMark scores I saw before had astronomical fillrates (millions of Mtexels/s), indicating the graphics card was just bypassing the drawing, but your scores don't show this either.

I don't see this being a MadOnion bug either. I don't know how you did such a huge overclock, but it really seems like you're just yanking our chain by saying you got these scores on a 250 MHz card.

Either that, or you figured out a way of doctoring results, and chose your fake results very carefully. I don't think so, though. :)
Mintmaster said:

Looking at the scores in your link, everything seems to point towards a VERY high core overclock, like 390-400 MHz, with a not so high memory overclock (maybe 330-340). This can be seen in your high geometry scores and multitexture fillrate, but not so high (relatively speaking) single texture fillrate.

though. :)

What kind of cooling do you have ?
an what kind of mem is on the card 3.3 ns ?

I have a hercules with 4ns and the mem is max at 315 (at 3d mark2001 max 300mhz games 315)
and the core max 300 games 310mhz.
My old retail card could run 306-330 at everything but tis card has a volt mod oprtectien of some kind.
If i go higher i can run anything :(
DJ--Quack said:

I enabled it using Rage3D Tweak and I still got bad fog:( .

well it works for me. As another user says try disabling it and see what happens. Well it says officailly by rockstar that enabling it for geforce cards fixes the problems.
Mintmaster said:

Looking at the scores in your link, everything seems to point towards a VERY high core overclock, like 390-400 MHz, with a not so high memory overclock (maybe 330-340). This can be seen in your high geometry scores and multitexture fillrate, but not so high (relatively speaking) single texture fillrate.

I don't think you cheated with some kind of time scaling program, or your CPU bound scores (Car high, Lobby high) would be too high for your processor. Some super high 3DMark scores I saw before had astronomical fillrates (millions of Mtexels/s), indicating the graphics card was just bypassing the drawing, but your scores don't show this either.

I don't see this being a MadOnion bug either. I don't know how you did such a huge overclock, but it really seems like you're just yanking our chain by saying you got these scores on a 250 MHz card.

Either that, or you figured out a way of doctoring results, and chose your fake results very carefully. I don't think so, though. :)

If he had r3dtweak installed before installing these drivers, he may have been bitten by the same thing that bit me. When I installed the new drivers (after uninstalling the old 6071), I got an insanely high 3DMark score and posted it thinking they were wonder drivers. What I discovered (after being flamed here) is that somehow the core and memory speeds on my card had been set to 290mhz, at least as shown by the overclocker tab on my defunct and lingering installation of r3dtweak.

Oh well, it ran well at 290/290 anyway :p
6093 Drivers

6093 Drivers

If you are upgrading to the latest drivers, try simply downloading the zip, extracting and then going into the Device Manager and updating the driver for the Radeon 8500. This will update the .inf and you should still have all the tabs available to you. Hope this helps.
Installed the 93 driver on top of the Omega/Plutonium 71b. Every thing works apart from GTA 3. IQ looks better though darker and to dark in some gamez. 3dm2k1SE was up almost 5%. All of the first tests however were down apart from dragothic that was up 10%. TV out looks even better!:drool:
I played GTA3 for the first time on my comp... and the fog is horrible like others have said. I turned off all the fog options I turned off all the fog options I could in the Rage3D Tweaker... do I need to go into regedit to turn off some of the ones not listed there?

darw_n said:
how did you mux it into the plutonium omega/drivers??

I had the plutonium omega/drivers installed and used update to install the new driver on top of the old one (Did this to keep my tabs) So I didn't mix them :rolleyes:

I just went back to the old drivers, GTA 3 wasn't working!:mad:
GTA 3 works now again although I have the same texture problem as in Avsp2??! New drivers are fast and look nice but aren't good enough so I will wait for the new plutonium omega/drivers. :cool:
Mix them with the 6071s. Those are proven to work. And if you want to play GTA with them, enable table fog, then disable it, and it should work fine :D .
ExCibular said:

I had the plutonium omega/drivers installed and used update to install the new driver on top of the old one (Did this to keep my tabs) So I didn't mix them :rolleyes:

I just went back to the old drivers, GTA 3 wasn't working!:mad:
GTA 3 works now again although I have the same texture problem as in Avsp2??! New drivers are fast and look nice but aren't good enough so I will wait for the new plutonium omega/drivers. :cool:

How/where does this problem manifest itself in GTA3 ?

I really have no issues with this game, except certain stuff in the game makes the game jerk a bit. Mostly the trains. And fog looks awful.
hello all you radeon fans
i instaled this new drivers and then run 3dmark2001SE and find out that this drivers are results are in 1024X768,16bit-1233 3dmarks and also haven't tabs for open gl and d3d and gamma
In 6071(7.70)drivers result is 608 3dmarks.i don't know why such big difference.
my sistem:
amd duron 750
ati radeon 7000 64mb ddr
512mb sdram
I am getting 404 errors trying to connect to the XP drivers at Does anyone know where I can download a copy? Thanks
Well im not installing these again for one the dont have buttons from a fresh windows install.

Two theve corrupted my system32 folder twice when i first tried instaling them.


Ghost recon still locks up when a mission ends with these drivers :(:(:(:(:( ;(