Navi 7nm GPUs/Ryzen 3 announcments at Computex 2019?


Well-known member
10 am May 27th. That’s 3am in the UK, or 10pm EST / 7pm PST Stateside.

Lock it in!

AMD has announced that its CEO, Dr. Lisa Su, will give the 2019 Computex keynote address. The company is expected to unveil its next-generation of high-end products at the event, with launch dates kicking off throughout the summer. According to the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), the topic of Lisa Su’s keynote will be “The Next Generation of High Performance Computing.”

AMD better deliver
May 27th. They should be ready to talk some serious dirt about the new stuff buy then I hope.
I look forward to seeing what they can pull off with Zen 2.

Navi...a few years ago I'd be interested, but since then I've moved out of the price bracket it's targeting.
I look forward to seeing what they can pull off with Zen 2.

Navi...a few years ago I'd be interested, but since then I've moved out of the price bracket it's targeting.

Good thing about Navi is that the vast majority of gamers haven’t though. Halo products are nice, but they honestly just need a workhorse with good margins that is in the price range of most people.

Can’t wait to see what they’ve seemingly been hiding with their first view of only half of their “possible” chip equaling the 9900k at way less power. The Chiplets seem to be working for a Rome on EPYC so let’s hope it works for consumer stuff too.
Cool analysis of said pcb:


Unless it's 25% faster than my Vega 64 and only costs £400 absolutely not interested. If it is I'll buy it in a heartbeat. Oh and it has to run cooler and have a decent fan that doesn't sound like a hairdryer. Not getting my hopes up TBH. I did actually buy a Radeon VII on launch day until I read the reviews and luckily was able to cancel the order before it shipped. Won't do that again :lol:
Unless it's 25% faster than my Vega 64 and only costs £400 absolutely not interested. If it is I'll buy it in a heartbeat. Oh and it has to run cooler and have a decent fan that doesn't sound like a hairdryer. Not getting my hopes up TBH. I did actually buy a Radeon VII on launch day until I read the reviews and luckily was able to cancel the order before it shipped. Won't do that again :lol:

Honestly if this is the soon to come mid range Navi then I expect something between a 2070-2080 perf for the price of a 2060.

AMD needs a homerun in the gpu field and I hope this will be it.
Honestly if this is the soon to come mid range Navi then I expect something between a 2070-2080 perf for the price of a 2060.

AMD needs a homerun in the gpu field and I hope this will be it.

Sooooo Navi will be a cheaper VII with lower power consumption?

I really don't understand AMD's gameplan here. With an R&D budget a fraction of it's competitor they develop two seperate GPU families alongside eachother. Wouldn't it be more cost-effective to take a "nVidia-approach" (maybe old)? Put all the money in developing a beast GPU and just downscale it for lower tiers? The way AMD act is like one family for enthusiast/high-end and another family for mid-/low-/oem-range. In my head that ties up a lot of money/resources in R&D.
Vega VII was just a shrunk Vega. So it didn't necessarily require a lot of resources. Originally they weren't planning to release it for gaming, but then changed their mind supposedly related to Navi being delayed.

I'd say it's not impossible that Navi is in the 2070 ballpark. 2080 seems like it's pushing it, but we'll see.
Vega 7 is a prosumer part imo. Navi mainstream/midrange will be 8 gbs so half the vram so pricing it in the 350-400$ range should be doable. Dual 8 pin tells me it will have decent perf.
So Navi will give 1080 GTX performance? 2016 performance in 2019 at 2017 prices?

It's a midrange GPU this is how it always happens. You can always buy midrange GPU performance several years earlier if you buy a high end card. :nuts:
I think its the compute heavy side of things of GCN that keeps the chips power hungry. That or the first iteration of 7nm isnt that good... But I dont give a ****... gimme 250w and ~2080 perf at half the price and Im there.
I think its the compute heavy side of things of GCN that keeps the chips power hungry. That or the first iteration of 7nm isnt that good... But I dont give a ****... gimme 250w and ~2080 perf at half the price and Im there.

AMD just need to be done with GCN. Possibly another power hungry POS. Looks like I'm sticking with Vega 64 for a while yet unless the 2080 drops to £450 or less.
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