Help!! Please!!!
Help!! Please!!!
Hello everyone. I am new to this forum, but I am having problems with ATIMMC.exe everytime I try to run the TV.
Everytime I try and run it, it takes about 5 sec to crash and when I hit the don't send button on the error message it shuts it down, but I still have the sound running until I restart my PC.
It seems to be hanging on the mod conexc.dll. It's driving me crazy. Here is my log if anyone can help me out because I have no idea what to look for:
*** Log Manager 0: Opened on: 3/20/2005 [14:51:09]
[14:51:09] COSIController:AttachFeature: no genUI interface, will load all OSIs
[14:51:10] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:10] COSIController:AttachFeature: no genUI interface, will load all OSIs
[14:51:10] ResMngr::Found Feature: Name=Player Cmd=MFPlay GUID={5C4A58AB-CA7E-11CF-BD3C-008029E89281} #of Extensions=12
[14:51:10] ResMngr::Found Feature: Name=VCD Cmd=DSVCD GUID={5C4A58AA-CA7E-11CF-BD3C-008029E89281} #of Extensions= 0
[14:51:10] ResMngr::Found Feature: Name=CD Cmd=CD GUID={5C4A58A4-CA7E-11CF-BD3C-008029E89281} #of Extensions= 1
[14:51:10] ResMngr::Found Feature: Name=DVD Cmd=DVD GUID={5C4A58A0-CA7E-11CF-BD3C-008029E89281} #of Extensions= 0
[14:51:10] ResMngr::Found Feature: Name=TV Cmd=TV+ GUID={AD74FB65-D55F-11D2-A41B-00104BC83279} #of Extensions= 0
[14:51:10] ResMngr::Command Line=/TV+ UIO Guid=
[14:51:10] ResMngr::Loading Feature ID: {AD74FB65-D55F-11D2-A41B-00104BC83279}
[14:51:10] ResMngr::LoadObject CoCreate Error: ClassNotReg CLSID: {B6761AC7-0F95-4184-8CEE-0E8495BEBD13}
[14:51:10] TVUIO::PreStartUp - Optional ConO DV failed to load
[14:51:10] TuneCon::PreStartUp: Gemstar DataEngine is not registered
[14:51:10] TVUIO::StartUp: Display ConO - Multimonitor mode on via registry
[14:51:10] TVUIO::StartUp: Display ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:10] Display::Could Not Localize RegPath for \Title
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SelectDecoder: Name=ATI Rage Theater Video Capture Index=0
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:Setup: Starting with 2 Crossbars for Audio & Video
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:Setup: VP Out is not available on Capture Filter
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:Setup: Starting up using CapXForm as Capture Tee
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetDefDispMode: Selecting Video Capture Display Mode: 0
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetBestCapture: Setting Capture Pin: 720x240 @59.94fps (165722112bps)
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetVBIFormat: SetFormat: 1 on VBI pin
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetVBIFormat: VBI pin NOT connected
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetVBIFormat: MediaType on VBI Pin: Standard Succesfully set to: 1
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetBestCapture: HW De-Interlacing on CapXForm = 0
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetBestCapture: HW ColorSpace Conversion Disabled on CapXForm
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS::UseAlternateOverlayMixer: Attempting to Use OverlayMixer1
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:Setup_LiveStdPerf: Rendering Live Video via Capture Port
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetBestCapture: Setting Capture Pin: 720x240 @59.94fps (165722112bps)
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetVBIFormat: SetFormat: 1 on VBI pin
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetVBIFormat: VBI pin NOT connected
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetVBIFormat: MediaType on VBI Pin: Standard Succesfully set to: 1
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetBestCapture: Failed to Set HW De-Interlacing on CapXForm
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:SetBestCapture: Failed to Disable HW ColorSpace Conversion on CapXForm
[14:51:10] CDispControl_DS:VBISetup: VP VBI Pin is not Present
[14:51:10] CDisplay::IsAlphBlendingSupported: 1
[14:51:10] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:10] TVUIO::StartUp InitDisplay Completed Succesfully
[14:51:10] TVUIO::StartUp: Video ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:10] TvVideo: StartUp: Using DirectShow Drivers
[14:51:10] TVUIO::StartUp: Teletext ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:10] CDrvTeletext_DS:GetVBITee: Using Sink-to-Sink Tee Inserted by DisplayConO
[14:51:10] CTeletext_DS:Setup: Teletext To Closed Caption Filter is not Present
[14:51:10] CTText:: Teletext ConO Failed to initialize Driver
[14:51:10] TVUIO::StartUp on optional ConO TText failed
[14:51:10] TVUIO::StartUp: Closed Captioning ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:10] CCaptionControl_DS:Setup: Connected WDM CC Decoder with ATI CC Renderer
[14:51:10] CCaptionControl_DS:GetVBITee: Using Sink-to-Sink Tee Inserted by DisplayConO
[14:51:10] CCaptionControl_DS:ConnectTee: Connect Decoder with Tee
[14:51:10] CCap:Caption: Attempting to Load & Initialize Closed Captioning Drivers...
[14:51:10] CCap:Caption:Captioning Source has been STOPPED
[14:51:10] TVUIO::StartUp: Sound ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:10] CSoundControl_DS:Setup: start OK
[14:51:11] NumAudioDrivers:found (int) 1 drivers
[14:51:11] CSoundControl_DS:RewireAudioCapture: Audio Crossbar IS used for Audio capture
[14:51:11] TVUIO::StartUp: Tuner ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:11] CTunerControl_DS:SetCountryFormat: Country Code = 1
[14:51:11] CTunerControl_DS:SetInputType: Input Type Set to = 0
[14:51:11] CVideoControl_DS::Before validate, GetGamma (1)
[14:51:11] TVUIO::StartUp: Time Shifting ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:11] CDrv_TShift:SetHWDecode: Hardware Decoder Status set to = 1
[14:51:11] TVUIO::StartUp: Parental Control ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:11] CDrvPControl_DS:GetVBITee: Sink-to-Sink Tee is already Present
[14:51:11] TVUIO::StartUp: Channel Surf ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:11] TVUIO::StartUp: PIP ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:11] CPrivatePip: StartUp: Failed to Verify TV Wonder Vendor
[14:51:11] TVUIO::StartUp on optional PIP ConO failed
[14:51:11] TVUIO::StartUp: EPG ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:11] CPrivateEPG::LoadDataEngine: Failed to load Gemstar DataEngine
[14:51:11] TVUIO::StartUp: Video Capture ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:11] CDrvCap_MPG::GetQuality: Failed to get Defaults from Encoder for: MVEQ_QUALITY_CCIR601
[14:51:11] CDrvCap_MPG::GetQuality: Failed to get Defaults from Encoder for: MVEQ_QUALITY_VGA
[14:51:11] CDrvCap_MPG::GetQuality: Failed to get Defaults from Encoder for: MVEQ_QUALITY_HHR
[14:51:11] CDrvCap_MPG::GetQuality: Failed to get Defaults from Encoder for: MVEQ_QUALITY_SVCD
[14:51:11] CDrvCap_MPG::GetQuality: Failed to get Defaults from Encoder for: MVEQ_QUALITY_DVD_HIGH
[14:51:11] CDrvCap_MPG::GetQuality: Failed to get Defaults from Encoder for: MVEQ_QUALITY_DVD_MEDIUM
[14:51:11] TVUIO::StartUp: Gallery ConO - Invoking Startup...
[14:51:11] TVUIO: StartupLiveGraph -- Entering...
[14:51:11] TVUIO: StartupLiveGraph -- Invoking Run
[14:51:11] TVUIO: StartupLiveGraph -- Checking Graph State
[14:51:11] TVUIO: StartupLiveGraph -- Completed Succesfully...
[14:51:11] TvUIO::Creating Layout 0xa [ConO=0]
[14:51:11] TvUIO::Creating Layout 0xc [ConO=0]
[14:51:11] TvUIO::Creating Layout 0x3 [ConO=0]
[14:51:11] TvUIO::Creating Layout 0x5 [ConO=0]
[14:51:12] TvUIO::Creating Layout 0x1 [ConO=0]
[14:51:12] TvUIO::Creating Layout 0xf [ConO=0]
[14:51:12] TvUIO::Creating Layout 0xe [ConO=0]
[14:51:12] TvUIO::Creating Layout 0x8 [ConO=0]
[14:51:12] TvUIO::Creating Layout 0x6 [ConO=0]
[14:51:12] COSIController:CreateBackSurface: Failed to Create DirectDraw surface error=1
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] CVideoControl_DS::Before validate, GetGamma (1)
[14:51:12] CVideoControl_DS::SetGamma DDCOLOR_GAMMA (1)
[14:51:12] CCap:Caption:Captioning Source has been STARTED
[14:51:12] CSndCtrl_DS::SignalHasSAP : GetAvailableTVAudioModes() returned 0X00000013
[14:51:12] CSndCtrl_DS::SetSAP : put_TVAudioMode() with 0X00000002
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] CSndCtrl_DS::SignalHasSAP : GetAvailableTVAudioModes() returned 0X00000013
[14:51:12] CSndCtrl_DS::SetSAP : put_TVAudioMode() with 0X00000002
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] CTuneCon:: EPG Application is not preset
[14:51:12] COSIController:AddLayout: Failed to SetOSILayout: 50001, for panel: 10000000
[14:51:12] COSIController:AddLayout: Failed
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] COSIController::PaintCache failed to paint to screen
[14:51:12] [PowerManagement] Display required
[14:51:12] [PowerManagement] Do not allow suspend/standby
[14:51:12] TVUIO: Startup OK
[14:51:12] CDispControl_DS::Live Graph Received:EC_VIDEO_SIZE_CHANGED
[14:51:12] CDispControl_DS::Live Graph Received:EC_VIDEO_SIZE_CHANGED
[14:51:12] CDispControl_DS::Live Graph Received:EC_CLOCK_CHANGED
[14:51:12] CDispControl_DS::Live Graph Received:EC_PAUSED
[14:51:13] CCap:Caption:Captioning Source has been STOPPED
[14:51:14] CPControl_DS:ReceiveNewLevel: NewLevel = 4
[14:51:16] [PowerManagement] Display not required
[14:51:16] [PowerManagement] Allow suspend/standby
[14:51:16] CCap:Caption:Captioning Source has been STOPPED
[14:51:16] TvUIO:
estroying Layout 0xa [ConO=0]
[14:51:16] TvUIO:
estroying Layout 0xc [ConO=0]
[14:51:16] TvUIO:
estroying Layout 0x3 [ConO=0]
[14:51:16] TvUIO:
estroying Layout 0x5 [ConO=0]
[14:51:16] TvUIO:
estroying Layout 0x1 [ConO=0]
[14:51:16] TvUIO:
estroying Layout 0xf [ConO=0]
[14:51:16] TvUIO:
estroying Layout 0xe [ConO=0]
[14:51:16] TvUIO:
estroying Layout 0x8 [ConO=0]
[14:51:16] TvUIO:
estroying Layout 0x6 [ConO=0]
[14:51:16] CDrvCap_ASF::Waiting for ASF thread to shutdown
[14:51:18] CDrvCap_ASF::ASF thread Failed to Shutdown
[14:51:18] ObjectTable::Leak Feature={A62213CA-80ED-11D0-AEDB-008029E646D0} Class={A62213CA-80ED-11D0-AEDB-008029E646D0} Instance=1
*** Log Manager 0: Closed on: 3/20/2005 [14:51:18]
Any help would be greatly appreciated.... and a big thanx in advance (^_^)