Media Center Edition 2005 and ATI AIW: Works Fine.

rottenrhyma said:
guste: I considered using kram drivers, although I really wasn't sure the proper procedure for their use. I mean, that thread you linked to from xpmce was over 45 pages long! I imagine I could find what I need to know, but at what cost time-wise? So, you say that you have the same setup as me and yours is working well? Does that mean you have an ati x600 pro video card and an nforce4 motherboard? if so, which motherboard, and in what order did you install the drivers for it? I ask because now there's cat 5.5 cc and 5.5 wdm, and 9.08 mmc, not to mention the cat 5.3 display drivers which ArcCoyote recommends using, so which drivers are included in the kram pack, and what parts from the most recently available drivers should be installed overtop of it, and in what order? I read a few pages from that link you gave and I saw a lot of references to "upgrading this" or "replacing that" - if you have this same hardware config, I'd love to know what you've done and in what order you did it in order to get it working. I feel like I'm getting close to solving this.

GUSTE!! WHERE ARE YOU?? It's been over two weeks and still no reply about your process for installing Kram drivers... hello?

anybody home?
Stupid ATI's site, basically you can't link to any of it. I quoted the relevant portion though.

Also you can use the HDTV wonder as a 2nd tuner but only the HDTV tuner, not the analog. There is recording and EPG built into media center.
I still have this problem too (with the new driver and MMC release).
I'm running :
XP Pro w/SP2
AIW9600 (no overlocking)
P4 2.6Ghz HT (no overclocking!)
1GB RAM (Again, no overclocking!)
Built in AC'97 sound
Aopen AX4SPE-N

Canuck_Shmuck said:
Is the lock-up issue still common with the new Catalyst 5.5's and MMC 9.08 or is it just me now? I am still having the issue that started back in 5.3 days with my AIW locking up during recording. It locked up with XP using just MMC, and it does the same with Media Center Edition. I haven't tried recording anything more then 30 minutes, because after that, my success rate goes down dramatically. ATI has told me that it is a configuration/performance issue with my computer.


Microsoft Media Center Edition 2005
AIW9600 (no overlocking)
P4 2.4Ghz HT (no overclocking!)
1GB RAM (Again, no overclocking!)
Built in AC'97 sound (Removed Audigy 2ZS as a test, rebuilt from scratch, still locks up)
Aopen AX4SPE-N
36GB Raptor
120 GB WD (IDE)
180 GB WD (IDE)
darkmark327 said:
Stupid ATI's site, basically you can't link to any of it. I quoted the relevant portion though.

Also you can use the HDTV wonder as a 2nd tuner but only the HDTV tuner, not the analog. There is recording and EPG built into media center.

You can use the analog on the HDTV wonder as a second tuner in Media Center. Just install the Kram MCEE. There are some limitations due to sharing it with the digital side of the card, but it works!

See for how to do it.
Anyone Else Tried Catalyst 5.6

Anyone Else Tried Catalyst 5.6

I had Media Center running quite well following Arcoyote's install guide and using Catalyst 5.5 driverset...

I reimaged my machine back to my clean XP MCE install to see if Catalyst 5.6 driver set would also work..

Following the same procedure exactly I am unable to get MCE to recognise the tuner hardware with Catalyst 5.6, even after deleting the "tuners" regkey it still just comes up with the "Tuner Not Found" error.

Has anyone else tried this, do you get a similar result..

AIW9600XT (no overlocking)
ASUS A7N-8XE-Deluxe
AMD Athlon XP Mobile (1.2 to 3.0Ghz)
500MB RAM (no overclocking!)
Built in Nvidia Soundstorm audio
80GB SATA (Data)
Ok, quick question...

Does the AIW 9000 work with MCE, or not?

i don't want to waste my time trying to get it activated, if it never works.

Install MMC

Install MMC

dnecker said:
I reimaged my machine back to my clean XP MCE install to see if Catalyst 5.6 driver set would also work..

Following the same procedure exactly I am unable to get MCE to recognise the tuner hardware with Catalyst 5.6, even after deleting the "tuners" regkey it still just comes up with the "Tuner Not Found" error.

Has anyone else tried this, do you get a similar result..

You reimaged your machine and installed Catalyst 5.6. Did you also install MMC 9.08? MMC (9.06 or newer, or Kram MCEE) provides the software encoder.
9600 Works (with issues)

9600 Works (with issues)

Thank you for helping me out, ArcCoyote, et al. The initial post on this thread solved all my "tv tuner malfunction" problems.

I've got an AIW 9600 Pro on MCE 2005 and it works. (MMC 9.08, Cat 5.6, Cyberlink Decoder selected)

However, the scheduling software never shuts down after recording is complete and won't allow the computer to shut down, either. MCE TV won't work (black screen) while the scheduling software is stuck like this. The scheduled recording plays fine after physically restarting.

I'm almost ready to shell out $65 for a hardware decoder. Considering the fun I've had so far with MCE this wouldn't be so bad if it solved my problem.
Is MCE known to work with AIW X800XT cards? I reloaded my machine fresh last night and got everything but TV and FM to work with my card. I loaded Catalyst 5.6, MMC 9.06.1, DAO 9.06.1 and the newest DVD decoder and it says that it can't detect my tuner for both FM and TV.

I do have both the AIW and my TV Wonder Pro PCI in the machine, could this be confusing MCE or should it just detect my AIW? Suggestions to get this working?
you also need windows media 9 runtime installed as well as remote wonder software installed for it to work properly. For some reason on there website it says it needs to be installed for it to work right.. As for the Fm not working step in line.. your #18384832892834829182348845321 waiting for a fix for it to finally get to work. I have a 80 mile rooftop antenna hooked up in the middle of town where I can get reception on my Sony receiver without antenna at ALL just fine but only static on my x800 aiw. I even took my card back and got another one that does the same exact thing. DOn't even bother getting ahold of tech support either as they will try to blame it on you for there stupidity....Reinstalling the wmd drivers sometimes gets the tv recognized.. For some reason reinstalling there ****** software over and over again eventually gets it workin.. lol.......good luck mate......
ArcCoyote said:
You reimaged your machine and installed Catalyst 5.6. Did you also install MMC 9.08? MMC (9.06 or newer, or Kram MCEE) provides the software encoder.

I attempted to see if the Cat 5.6 / MMC 9.08 combination would work, this led me to the complete failure to recognize the Tuner with this combo. In other post's here it seems people have success with this combination so I may drop my fresh XP-MCE image on my second drive and try it again to see if I missed something.
I decided to forgo all the "fun" I was having with getting the AIW working well under MCE and picked up an EVGA NVTV for about 55$. It was well worth the money. MCE is reliable and the recorder works as expected.
Great news BSC. MCE is still locking up as much as MMC did, so I'm guessing it is the card or drivers. I was going to buy the Hauppauge 150 card until I read a review on Toms that really liked the EVGA. I might pick it up and get rid of this AIW X800
Well, keep the X800, it's a good video card for MCE.

If you install a T550 or other hardware tuner, and have an AIW or HDTVW, MCE will see both the hardware tuner ("ATI AVstream TV tuner" for a T550) and the AIW/HDTVW Software encoder ("ATI TV Tuner" or "ATI DTV Analog Tuner").

Go to Settings > TV > TV Signal setup, go thru "Manually configure" and deselect any tuners you don't want to use. If you end up with more than 2 tuners this way and MCE is not seeing your hardware tuners, there is a way to make unwanted tuners completely invisible to MCE.
Slow and choppy image

Slow and choppy image


I have installed everything as you described in the first post of this thread and I have some problems. MCE recognizes the tuner and I'm able to view tv with it BUT the image quality is bad, the video is choppy and halts after a few seconds to continue a second later and the sound has a background noise.

I also am unable to update my dvd codec. When i try to install it and insert my cd it says it doesnt contain valid information. I have the official cd of hercules right here. So i installed the old dvd codec from that cd but mce says its not compatible. Though when I enforce it it works but with the same probs as before.

My configuration:
AMD Athlon XP+ 1800
Soltek SL-75DRV5
Hercules ATI 9800SE AIW
WMCE 2005
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Your Herc CD isn't going to validate in the CD Wizard. You'll need to order an ATI CD.

As for the AV quality, what Catalyst are you using? If you're having problems with Cat 5.7, try Cat 5.6 or maybe 5.3, as 5.4 thru 5.6 have problems with DVD playback in MCE. Make sure you install the full package, inclusing the 5.3 WDMs. Contrary to advice I might have given in the past, the WDMs in the newer Cats do seem to be a problem for some.
I installed the 5.3 wdm and display drivers
I have also tried to use the SP drivers, they work for MMC but no tuner is found when trying MCE

Oh and i managed to install the latest cyberlink dvd decoder
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