List your programming experience

now now children :)

I'm proficiant in:

Visual Basic
Visual Basic, and,
Visual Basic

With some basic knowledge of:

VHDL << VHDL is a fun language!
not C++
and definetely not Win32 API

At work I'm supposed to undestand:

OS9 C programming
68K assembly
Intel ASM
<instant> Please Explain

<instant> Please Explain

Yes they are not true compiled languages but they are still programming Langueages, containing thier own syntac, rules, and keywords however I am doubting that that is what you mean as you did not site html sql cgi and pearl as not being languages and those fall into the same above not true compiled languages So whats your logic on this one I've got to know before I juse Ass-u-me that you have no clue
Re: <instant> Please Explain

Re: <instant> Please Explain

Nocain said:
Yes they are not true compiled languages but they are still programming Langueages, containing thier own syntac, rules, and keywords however I am doubting that that is what you mean as you did not site html sql cgi and pearl as not being languages and those fall into the same above not true compiled languages So whats your logic on this one I've got to know before I juse Ass-u-me that you have no clue

Assume whatever you like.

Yep, you're wrong instant. As usual.

If you're going to put ASP on that "not a programming language" list, then you have to put VB on that list too since they are both nearly identical. And if you put ASP on that list you have to almost put PHP there too since they both work the same way (though different of course). Then, if you put PHP and ASP there you have to put ColdFusion there too. Then you might as well put Perl on there as well...
And anyone who says Flash isn't programming hasn't tried (or been forced to try) ActionScript. It's not easy.
I sort of agree that HTML isn't programming, well, in it's current state anyway. HTML is kinda hard to classify really... though if someone put HTML on a resume under "programming experience" I'd have to laugh at them, show all my co-workers so they can laugh at them, then throw their resume in the garbage while continuing to laugh at them... :D
This is utter crap.

.ASP files stands for ACTIVE SERVER PAGES, and in itself is NOT A ****ing programming language.

.ASP Files can contain
- VBScript
- JScript
- God Knows What.
- Simple Text

But .ASP itself is NOT a programming friggin' language, anyone who believes else is a bloody idiot.

HTML is not a programming language, its a Text/Layout Markup Language. You can not "programme" anything in HTML.
Hypertext Markup Language. (HTML)

VBSCript and JScript are programming languages. (Although easy ones)

ActiveX is not a programming language.

So, I'm right, you're wrong.
know that, next question thank you.
So, I'm right, you're wrong.

LoL anyways ...

I'm a network guy at heart but I've been "forced" to code ;)

C64 Basic and MachineCode (k, that was a while back)
VB (just started working with Win32 API calls)
getting ready to start learning C++ :D
VC++ is fun :-)

Especially nice if you have an empty 'shell' and just enter the new values for save-game editors. =)
I must agree with instant. HTML is not programming language, however VBScript and JavaScript are.

Oh, I guess I should mention some of my languages.

Java, JavaScript,
Perl, Lisp/ML/Scheme,
Pascal, Basic,
Visual Basic, IBM ASM.

I've been programming since high school, and I now work in Telecom with a year and a half of experience.

Anyway, if I were to pick a favorite, I'd choose Java for network communication applications and C/C++ for everything else.
For me:

C / C++ (Win32, MFC, VCL [Borland C++ Builder's API], etc.)
x86 Assembly
Visual Basic
InstallScript (YUCK!)

I started learning how to program back in the BBS days trying to mod ViSioN-X and WWiV BBS software. I also mucked around with cracking games. I started taking business and computer science courses in college, and have worked for a game company for about 7 1/2 years now, 5 years of that programming on games (from the basics like installers/autoruns/etc to net code to OpenGL/D3D, etc.)
