List your programming experience



Let´s start at the beginning ;-)

Basic (Commodore, GW, Q, VB, ASP, bah!), Pascal, Java, Modula 2, Python, C/C++ (a little), Centura, SQL, html, Javascript, VHDL, a little Assembler (X86)

I think that should be all. Mhm, ****, could not top Humus ;-)
... maybe a little Linux Shell Scripting counts ?
oh man, too many

oh man, too many

Let's see
C of course
x86 ASM
Java, Javascript
Fortran 90
I can fake my way through Ada
VB, VBScript
Shells (if that counts ;) )
hmmm is that it?
I'm just starting with openGL. Just finished transformations and the different coords systems. Just about to look at lighting and vertex normals and all that jazz
It's super interesting.
Oh and PHIGS I guess.

I first started coding on my 386, man, must have been 10 years ago.

Anyone know C#?


I can envisage this thread becoming a 'mine's bigger than yours' thread, but hey, here's my attempt...!

C++ (incl. OpenGL, DirectX, Win32 API)
ZX80 Assembler (yup, the good old ZX80)
x86 Assembler
Visual Prolog
Fortran 90
+ XHTML, XML, Script,etc.

Looked at C#, but really can't be bothered with yet another language...I guess I'll wait and see if it becomes important!

yeah - i think it has already turned into a 'mine is bigger than yours' - if coders can get an ego about anything - its how many langs/environements they work in.

so heres mine:
c/c++ <- very much prefered
x86 assembly
mips assembly
vax (ohmy god old) assembly
LISP/ML/Scheme (theyre all pretty much the same to me)
good ol GWBasic and Qbasic

dont know too much about web stuff but know some HTML.

opengl -but not since college.
directx - a little dabbling but not a whole lot.
MFC. MOTIF. etc etc..

so what does anyone/everyone think of microsofts C# (C- sharp)? just wondering about other peoples opinion. my line of work wont ever have me using it, so i havent done a whole lot of research on it.
x86 asm, some c++ and php (still workin on it), a decent amount of pascal (never liked it too much), html, and a plethora of other things i've touched on in my life.
Currently studying C/C++ (been learning uit for about a year), learning some PHP, and intermediate (almost advanced) HTML, if that counts too. :)
Some LISP Programmers

Some LISP Programmers

It's nice to see a few people listing LISP in this thread.

Let's see; started with C 6 years ago (now have the habit of dreaming in C ;)), then learnt LISP 5 years ago, VB 4 years ago (it's a bit crap really but very easy to use so that's a plus point), now pretty damn fluent in C++, just learnt sh*tloads of JAVA over the last 3 months. I have done some assembler stuff more out of need than choice. :p

I love C there's not a lot I can't do with it. But I like the power of C++...believe me writing a full blown electronic circuit simulator comaparable to HSPICE (hope someone has heard of that here) with out using C++ would have been painful! Although I've recently become taken with JAVA.

Oh, well that's enough of my ramblings! :D
lets see what languages do I know:
Java(not java scripting)
SQL(if you consider that a language)
Pascal/Turbo Pascal
Visual Basic
LISP (played with not verry good yet)

Things working on

My goal:
Started with Basic on C64, Then over to BASIC on x86, then back to Blitz Basic II on the Amiga, aswell as Pascal on x86, Then back to AmigaE on the Amiga (The best programming language there has ever been) aswell as AREXX (scripting) on Amiga, then back to C/c++ and Visual Basic on x86, although i thought C sucked so I dropped it, did some C++ when Diablo 2 was released to work with a savegame editor/item dumper.

Did have a look at ASM on 680x0 once upon a time, did'nt like it.

Now i'm just doing some lame .asp/jscript/.php and sql.

Guess I have to learn C# now..


Ah, well, and ofcourse html, but I would'nt call that a programming language.
Re: Some LISP Programmers

Re: Some LISP Programmers

Reaper_666 said:
It's nice to see a few people listing LISP in this thread.
I love C there's not a lot I can't do with it. But I like the power of C++...believe me writing a full blown electronic circuit simulator comaparable to HSPICE (hope someone has heard of that here) with out using C++ would have been painful! Although I've recently become taken with JAVA.

I started learning LISP due to AutoCAD (and later TurboCAD) which have an implementation of LISP within them, and a necessity to program additional functionality within the programs...

HSPICE? Hmmm... I use PSPICE, is this what you meant, or is it a clone of it? PSPICE is, as u described, a electronic circuit simulator - and a MAJOR time saver when it comes to testing out ideas! If you need someone to test out ur version, give us a shout!


ok.. right now I know how to develop stuff in these "languages":


I'm working on a CMS for my site right now..

anyway.. I've been experimenting a bit with VB, but I have never made a "real" program with it.. so.. I can't say I know the language :)

if($cyberstonerposts  <= 4000){
echo "everyone will think cyber has no life";
echo "he will have over 4000 posts because he's cyberstoner";
Well my list seems very small now.
Oh well, I know a little x86 and 8051 assembler, C (only a bit, just started learning), Java, A little Haskell, Q and Commodore Basic.

Never mind. Plenty of time to learn more (but only if I have to)