List your programming experience


Jeff Lange
Finally, a programming/webmastering forum! :)

So, I'm sure we'll have some programmers in here (obvoiusly), so I'll ask the question "What kind of programming languages do you know?"

For me, it's BASIC, C, C++, and x86 ASM. C is my favorite.

As far as web development goes, I can do PHP, SQL, a little JavaScript, and of course, HTML.
I started teaching myself C last year. I'm not quite as good as i want to be at this point, but i'm getting there. Plus, i'm going to be studying it in college :)

So yea, currently just C.
I can work with just about any programming language but I'm no expert with any of them.

PHP is my favorite for web developing, which is what I do. If I had to create a "real" app (which I never have to do), I'd go with C or C++. I'm also ehavily into SQL.
I just got started really...ask andrew! Anyway, I am setting up php/perl/mysql on my linux (ratchet) apache server! Thanks for everyone's input...
ASM, BASIC, VB, C, a little C++, VERY little Pascal (on an old Mac 128 :)), HTML, some Java Script.

I know some API's as well; Win32, OpenGL, some DirectX.
basic,vb,c++,cobol. just starting to do html to make my homepage. vbscript looks intersting.

i have a question for those of you who are good at html. i want to be able to toggle my background music <bgsound src="...."> i put on a check box, (hard part) how do check if the box has been clicked (vbscript ??) then how do i turn off the music ?????
thanx for any help
kileke said:
basic,vb,c++,cobol. just starting to do html to make my homepage. vbscript looks intersting.

i have a question for those of you who are good at html. i want to be able to toggle my background music <bgsound src="...."> i put on a check box, (hard part) how do check if the box has been clicked (vbscript ??) then how do i turn off the music ?????
thanx for any help

That's a whole lotta IE only stuff you want to do there.
I don't like to tell new web developers to do things that only work in one browser, especially things that only work in IE, however... you can check the status of a checkbox using javascript. Say you have a check box name "joebox" which is in a form named "joeform". Then you have a bgsound object embedded in your webpage with an id of "joesound" and a javascript function named "joetoggle" which ties it all together, as such:
<!-- here's your javascript function -->
<script language="javascript">
	function joetoggle() {
                // checks to see if joebox is checked
		if(document.joeform.joebox.checked == true) {
                        // if it is, sets s source (turns it on)
		} else {
                        // if it's not, clears the source (turns it off)
// -->

<form name="joeform">
<!-- here's your joebox checkbox in your joeform form
with an onclick even handler which calls the
joetoggle() javascript function when the checkbox is clicked --> 
<input type="checkbox" name="joebox" onclick="joetoggle();">

<!-- and here's your embedded sound, note that there is no src defined, as we do that in javascript. -->
<bgsound id="joesound">

I must point out however that most people are either playing their own music while surfing, or just want a nice quite evening if they aren't. BGSound isn't usually appreciated by most surfers...

A toggle I guess is the right approach :)
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thax for the info gonna try it right now, just got back from the store (bought a book about html/scripting) thanx again :)
A web site pretty much has a 1 second interval to catch my attention or it's toast, I find all the fancy crap just annoying. Frankly, popups and other advertising mean I don't go exploring the web much, there is always that one site that has you killing processes, the net was a nicer place before all the *******s learned of it. When HTML gets away from being just another MS API I will consider more than just basic HTML. To put it nicely. :)
Himself said:
A web site pretty much has a 1 second interval to catch my attention or it's toast, I find all the fancy crap just annoying. Frankly, popups and other advertising mean I don't go exploring the web much, there is always that one site that has you killing processes, the net was a nicer place before all the *******s learned of it. When HTML gets away from being just another MS API I will consider more than just basic HTML. To put it nicely. :)
like you homepage himself, i agree simple is better, right now i am like a kid with a new toy (never having made a web page before) so i want to play around with it a bit. the only reason i mentioned vbscript is because i have no java programming experience, after looking at your code ratchet i found it similar to c++, plus the book i got today has about 0% vbscript 100% jscript. anyway i do agree with portabitity :) thanx. heres what i got so far dont look at the source... its very nasty ;)
ps i heard M$ was no longer going to support Java in the upcomming IE??
will this affect Jscript???
Microsoft will not include the Java VM by default. It must be downloaded separately. I believe JavaScript still works, though.
Re: List your programming experience

Andrew275 said:
Finally, a programming/webmastering forum! :)

So, I'm sure we'll have some programmers in here (obvoiusly), so I'll ask the question "What kind of programming languages do you know?"

For me, it's BASIC, C, C++, and x86 ASM. C is my favorite.

As far as web development goes, I can do PHP, SQL, a little JavaScript, and of course, HTML.

Let's see ... C/C++, x86 and MIPS assembler, PHP, Java, Pascal/Delphi, VHDL, Haskell, HTML (if that counts), QBasic, Ti-basic, some JavaScript, SQL ... probably forgot something :)

Oh ... lets not forget UnrealScript :D (not that I'm very good at it)
I have some experience (*cough* rather out of practice these days) with both C and C++ and, of course, I know a little HTML (although I just prefer to use Dreamweaver :)).