Internet speed test

If it wasn't for the pirates the internet wouldn't be close to what it is. So many smart and talented people wouldn't be able to make use of their talent because they couldn't afford photoshop/visual studio/lightwave/altium designer/after effects (whatever anyone uses) or even god damn windows. Blame the little turds who got the money yet still pirate games/software.
nope. There is no valid excuse for pirating.

But let's not go there.
Yes it is, you do have a close minded view on piracy I have noticed. There's people who say piracy is ok and there's those who say its wrong, both sides are wrong, nothing in life is black or white, there's cases when it is bad and there are others when it is not.
I bow before the altar of FIOS
Finally i can show some decent numbers now :D. Do keep in mind i pay 135 $ for all this, including unlimited downloads, free phone during peek hours in 36 European countries and DTV.
Verizon 4G LTE Wireless Hotspot connected to my laptop....


This is my DSL connection :(

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We changed providers a month or two ago and this is my new connection. Bit better upload but took a huge cut in downstream bandwidth. If I bugged my rents I think they'd fork out the extra $10 a month for more speed but I can still torrent @ 1MB/sec and I'm the only one who uses the bandwidth heavily so I'm happy with the deal we are getting now. I still really wish we could see some higher competition like some of you guys seem to get in the states!
