Internet speed test


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Staff member
Noticed my internet seemed faster than usual. Apparently my internet provider upgraded their lines around my house.

30621 download
716 upload

That's nice, DSL or cable?

Since this is going to erupt into some serious e-pen0s fencing, I can just whip out mine right away.
Not gonna show mine :p I got 2Mb because it was cheap and I don't really need more. Not much of a downloader, the most demanding thing I do is watch Youtube videos etc. My ISP keeps sending me leaflets and letters urging me to upgrade 50Mb for $48 a month but I just don't need it :p

Can't wait till I get in to the new place with roommate, FIOS here we come! :drool:

Even going over 500 miles has a good connection.
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This is my fixed wireless connection, the tower is about 3 miles line-of-site from my house, then from there that tower is connected to the main hub 25miles away. All wireless, each tower has a 108mbps max load, and 205mpbs connection between them.

Anyone with Speedboost related crap should take one of the big tests at to get a real result, not some overblown one :bleh:
Anyone with Speedboost related crap should take one of the big tests at to get a real result, not some overblown one :bleh:

Your connection is: 13042 Kbps or 13 Mbps
You downloaded at: 1592 kB/s
You are running: 227 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 0.64 second(s)