New member
Looks like new drivers.. and other cool ****.. ownage
Looks like new drivers.. and other cool ****.. ownage
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James Crivellone said:Catalyst? whats that?
hahaha, give ATI a bit and u can get em
LukaR said:Well, great 10% boost, much stable, and new tabs options..good
nope but the reference drivers on rage3d will work .10GHZ said:is this new driver is goin 2 work with all the 3rd party 8500 boards?
i have a HighTech Excalibur Radeon 8500 retail.
ATI LoVeR 8500 said:
Edit: I just did a search of for the word Catalyst and here's what I got.(No drivers found!)
James Crivellone said:Catalyst? whats that?
hahaha, give ATI a bit and u can get em
dhc014 said:
James, you bastard!!!! If you have them, post them.