Catalyst 14.7 RC3 are out!

These drivers don't have the bug where the second crossfired GPU runs at 99% activity any time the GPU is enabled. The bug was introduced sometime around 13.8, then suddenly got fixed in 14.2 beta, broke again afterwards (not sure which driver) and then is finally working correctly in 14.7 RC3.

The bug only shows up when the driver is in its default ULPS-on state. Those who disable ULPS don't see this issue.

Let's see how long it works this time.
Watchdogs is much better now with these. Finally, a smooth 60 fps at 1440p on ultra. Still ridiculous that it takes this much horsepower just for 60 fps though. :nuts:

wow GPU usage is terrible, maybe if I added all 3 cards up it would hit 100%.

Diablo 3 crossfire has never worked for me, never across multiple drivers and windows re-installs it has never worked once. Straight up 100% usage on one card and 0% on the other two. Full screen everything on ultra with vsync off.

I do believe crossfire would work with vsync, but since I run 120 hz on a qnix it wont work. So I would be stuck at 60 hz, which would mean 60 fps would defeat the purpose of crossfire in the first place.

One thing that is baller is Twitch streaming with crossfire is now working. Raptr actually does this which makes it much better than any other solution in that regard (OBS does not do this). Not sure how that raptr team got it working, but kudos to them.
Diablo 3 does at 1600p but its not needed as one 290x will lock it at 60fps at 1600p
AMD seriously sucks when it comes to drivers.

The funny thing is, there is this theory that only people with problems post and complain and there are thousands of people who do not have issues and hence they don't post.... But if you notice, there are regular people on this forum, who have been here for years. Now out of the regular people who post on this forum who own AMD products, sure does seem like a lot of us have issues. That kind of puts a hole in the theory that thousands of people are having zero issues and only a handful of people aren't. Unless you consider this forum a statistical anomaly..... especially if you also consider the level of expertise on this forum. I think it is more likely that joe schmoe has issues as well, but just assumes oh well and doesn't even know enough to go to forums to complain and instead goes through official channels (poor joe schmoe).

Lets recap:

Out of the handful of regulars who bought cards at 290x's launch, probably about 80% had issues. Out of those who bought 295's, I'd say the problem rate is pretty close to 100% on this board. Darn near every AMD owner has had some issue or another here. Lets not even go into the un-installation of drivers and the nightmare that that can be...

Makes ya wonder if the green side is just as bad?
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I am fairly pleased with 14.7 RC3. The one bug that got fixed out of no where was a huge issue for me - second crossfired GPU busy at 99% in games and applications.

My other system having a lone shader-core unlocked 6950 has has no issues for a long time. The only one driver problem this year, was one set (14.3 or 14.6??) where the HDMI audio never worked but that got fixed in next set of release.

I think, out of the posters complaining here, a good majority of them 'd have crossfire systems, which is a very rare configuration when talking about general graphic card usage. The interesting thing is that, even with crossfire my experience has been great in games (tri-fire might have been different). I also find the built-in catalyst tool for setting crossfire profiles very useful. No complaints there. It's just that, these ULPS bugs (99% GPU), and odd behavior in certain desktop windowed apps have been around for a long time, and while at one point in time these exact issues were acknowledged in release notes, now they get fixed and break again without any reason, and with no mention in release notes.
24 hours later and the drivers crashed on me. At least I didn't get a BSOD this time... I've only had issues when trying to overclock or do some other tweaking before. Fast forward to this year and the drivers are causing all sorts of issues even when not overclocking or tweaking.
So I assume you got a popup "Display Driver has crashed and recovered". Do you have crossfire? Which application was running at the time?

I haven't seen any issues yet with single GPU usage (both with 6950 and 7950).
So I assume you got a popup "Display Driver has crashed and recovered". Do you have crossfire? Which application was running at the time?

I haven't seen any issues yet with single GPU usage (both with 6950 and 7950).
In the last year I think I got "Display Driver has crashed and recovered" 2 or 3 times on 290x cfx and about the same with 680 sli :bleh:
every time with a brand new game
So did a reformat, got the drivers installed and working fine. But for some reason I cant get it to use all 3 displays. Every time I try to enable the 3rd, it says "Must disable another display first"

Getting seriously frustrated.
In the last year I think I got "Display Driver has crashed and recovered" 2 or 3 times on 290x cfx and about the same with 680 sli :bleh:
every time with a brand new game

Happens quite frequently here in crossfire in DX9 games. If I switch to single card it runs fine. So anymore if it is a DX9 game I don't even bother with crossfire. And when I say crash I mean CRAAAASHHHH! so hard my pc doesn't even recognize the drivers anymore and I have to uninstall and re-install them.
So I assume you got a popup "Display Driver has crashed and recovered". Do you have crossfire? Which application was running at the time?

I haven't seen any issues yet with single GPU usage (both with 6950 and 7950).

Just a single 7970. Chrome was the only thing running.