BioShock Infinite

Finished the main game today, finally. Story was interesting enough I guess, even if terribly convoluted.

Dat combat though. For a Bioshock game its like they threw all the advances in combat gameplay variety from the previous games up to that point totally out the window and decided to go for the COD approach... UGGHH. This game is just an amazingly polished interactive experience, marred by terrible combat gameplay that just throws waves upon waves of boring henchmen at you. And those handyman enemies, good lord. The Bioshock games' enemies have always been bullet sponges, but its never really been such an issue as in this game. Towards the end I decided to change the difficulty from hard to normal and just blast through the rest of the game, hardly even exploring the environments anymore either. Not that there was much to explore anyways.

Hmm...I loved it, every bit. The high-speed cable attacks were especially fun.

I started the Rapture DLC, but it didn't grab me.
Coming from Bioshock 2, I just felt previously there was so much more freedom in the combat gameplay.

Infinite felt so constricted as to what options you had to dispatch enemies. Even the fps control of Booker felt too tight, strafing especially.

Seems they just gave you the ability to use Elizabeth to summon in turrets, and called it a day.:down:
Ironic that Infinite, set in the clouds, felt more restricted than a game set under the ocean.

I don't disagree, infinite gives you linear combat zones and occasionally gets you playing on skyrails. Bioshock 1 and 2 were less linear in structure and let you set up traps or revisit areas. It felt more natural and made better use of its environments.
Yeah there's really no debate.

Hate to sound so cliche, but it's dumbed down plain and simple. What's worse is I was fresh off a new playthrough of System Shock 2, which made it that much more apparent.:(
What's worse is I was fresh off a new playthrough of System Shock 2, which made it that much more apparent.:(

Playing through system shock 2 is almost a mistake. after that, your standards rise to heights that almost no game can match.

Now play deus ex 1 and first 2 thief games and you can die knowing you played the best PC gaming has to offer :p
Playing through system shock 2 is almost a mistake. after that, your standards rise to heights that almost no game can match.

Now play deus ex 1 and first 2 thief games and you can die knowing you played the best PC gaming has to offer :p

I actually have played Thief Gold recently with some graphics mods, and I've completely played through Deus Ex several times over the years.

Deus Ex, I may not play again for a long while as I've had my fill of it (although I just recently re-purchased it for Steam). Its a great game with awesome writing and atmosphere, but the crappy combat always pisses me off.

Thief on the other hand is an absolute masterpiece, although I've only played through the game once, and started it again several times but never end up finishing it. I think I sometimes get the urge to play again, but then quickly get my fill and move on.
Ironic that Infinite, set in the clouds, felt more restricted than a game set under the ocean.

I don't disagree, infinite gives you linear combat zones and occasionally gets you playing on skyrails. Bioshock 1 and 2 were less linear in structure and let you set up traps or revisit areas. It felt more natural and made better use of its environments.
So true about the irony. I still maintain BioShock 2 is the best of the series. It has the most cohesive story-telling and the most dynamic and varied combat. BioShock 1 wins for pure creativity, but BioShock 2 did such a fantastic job tying all the meandering plot points of BioShock 1 together.

Infinite is simply an incredibly overrated game, both story-wise and most certainly gameplay-wise.

Anyway, I'll eventually buy the Rapture I can say I've played all the Rapture storyline stuff.
People don't think too highly about Infinite anymore so I don't know about the overrated part.

Seems like most are seeing it for what it is.
Even if Infinite was actually a good game, it still would have been overrated, IMO. Nothing could live up to that hype machine, ass-kissing reviews, and marketing campaign it had.

I am intrigued that the DLC is set in Rapture, but I'm not going to play it if the combat isn't much better than the main game.
I loved Infinite, and I love the DLC, even if it was wasted on going back to rapture. *DLC is worth playing foo's*

Infinite was really a good game. I do agree that combat wore me out (especially when I had to back track and there was respawning). But still it was enjoyable as ****. I finished it and that is testicles of game's goodness.

Haters be damned.
Like I said, I thought it was really well made and evident that a lot of love went into the art design and atmosphere, and I enjoyed those aspects. But the combat/gameplay just felt like an after thought when IMO it should always be the most important focus in a game.

I have ranted in the past that some games are trying too hard to be like big budget movies, when they should just be games, and this one is a good example.
I loved Infinite
Well, I should clarify. When I play a game, I decide to try my absolute best to enjoy it for what it is. It does no good for me to rip a game apart while I'm playing. So I did let myself ignore all Infinite's failings and simply enjoy the game for what it was.

... However, after I finished it, I let myself by objective. And I let myself rip the story to shreds. I did enjoy Infinite in a sense...but objectively...the game was so poor compared to BS1/2, SS1/2, Deus Ex/DXHR, Barbie's Playhouse...the list goes on (one of those games I'm not serious about).

About overrated...the game will always hold onto it's stupidly high Metacritic score...yet another reason Metacritic mocks our existence.