Wo Long: Fallen Kingdom, another soulsbornekiroringnioh from Team Ninja

After roughly an hour of play:

-Day one purchase
-Learning curve is real
-It’s everything Nioh 2 was, then more
-Combat is faster, and more intricate than Nioh 2
-Already more tools in the toolbox as far as combat enhancements, and the combat ‘feels’ heavy, meaty and real..
-I love the dodge, mantling animations
-character builder :drool:

Did I mention day one purchase? If the first hour or so is anything at all to go by, the game is going to feel both very familiar and yet quite a bit different. Familiarizing myself with items/tools etc is going to take time, just like learning Nioh did, but so far, I’m looking forward to this, very excited for it :)
Exactly what I was hoping to hear!

25 more minutes. My lord the combat is insane. I have the basics down already and some bits of info.

Enemies have displayed levels of moral, as you do. Your’s levels or lessens as you win or lose. You also have a fortitude level. At level 0 moral, I was losing to a level 7, giggled like a school girl when I jumped, flipped over and behind him for a massive crit. And there’s so much more.

This is hands down the most fun combat I’ve ever played. No contest. :)
Yeah i saw that one the other day.

I do remember reading something months ago that they were also working on another unannounced game. That must be it.
Gonna pick this up off Lazy's recommendation. Never played Nioh, got sick of Elden Ring
I just fought my first boss. You spawn directly in front of the area, so I gave it 8 or 9 tries. Too fast, too strong.

The only really notable differences between this and any other boss fight in these types of games were the speed and level of aggression. Very high on the latter.

No real surprise there. Nioh 2’s demo had a mid game boss too. I don’t know if it’s the same scenario. I just know I got my ass beat and am going back later :p
Gonna pick this up off Lazy's recommendation. Never played Nioh, got sick of Elden Ring

You should give the demo a run Nunz. Nioh and this are nothing like Elden Ring. It’s tough, but not nearly as frustrating so far.
**** me that this comes out while I'm on a 10 day work trip. Of all the rotten times. Oh well, should be back by the 22nd which still gives me a couple days.
**** me that this comes out while I'm on a 10 day work trip. Of all the rotten times. Oh well, should be back by the 22nd which still gives me a couple days.

I clocked in at about an hour start to finish. Plenty of time :up:

Edit: I should mention I spent a bit of time learning the new controls.

Major takeaways so far: Spoiler tagged for those who aren’t interested, or don’t want to hear any thoughts. No demo spoilers in there though other than impressions.

1. A lot of similarities to Nioh 2
2. The combat changes feel clunky at first, mostly due to having so much functionality tied to so few control buttons.
3. It seems there’s a pretty good amount of functions not available in the demo, but that’s not really unexpected and doesn’t really impact the gameplay.
4. Stacked up against Ryomen Sakuna in the Nioh 2 demo, the final boss in this one is pretty lacking. The mid demo optional boss was far and away the more dangerous and challenging enemy.

Overall 8/10 for me. Still a day one purchase
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